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  1. Powderhorn Jim

    Hunting Colorado Chickens

    We have a friend that has a dog subject to severe seizures, sometimes multiple seizures in a day. She started the dog on a fairly high dose of CBD twice a day. The dog now has 3-4 very short seizures a year! I don't believe in miracles, but there is something to CBD being used for seizures and...
  2. Powderhorn Jim

    BURRS !!

    Fork, metal comb, but nothing really works once they get wound into the hair except scissors. Have a friend that always ran springers. We wouldn't stay in the same motel room with him. His dog would chew burrs out during the night and leave a mine field on the carpet.
  3. Powderhorn Jim

    Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks….not tourism

    In Colorado they added "Parks" to the Colorado Division of Wildlife. Many of us felt it was an attempt by the legislature to tap hunting/fishing license revenue for "Parks". Though it didn't turn out as bad as it could have, it still causes an accounting nightmare, which is compounded when you...
  4. Powderhorn Jim

    Pierre Steak Dinner

    Now this is the kind of hot-spotting that makes sense! Thanks. Will try next time we are through Pierre.
  5. Powderhorn Jim

    Labs/Goldens size vs. endurance?

    I've hunted a Chessie in Alaska and labs in Alaska and the lower 48. For upland game, a good, light-mid weight lab from field stock can't be beat. I've tried the "british" style labs, and though they have great personalities, are easy to train and wonderful bird dogs, they tend to be too heavy...
  6. Powderhorn Jim

    Lock and Load for ND!

    My first time to ND it took a week (or more) to figure out the lay of the land, where the birds were (and the people weren't). I hunt 100% public accessible lands, but in the end, we found good hunting and the following years the learning curve was much shorter. I've found this true everywhere I...
  7. Powderhorn Jim

    Another vest question

    Mine does not. They have changed the design a bit. I'm still not sure the water bottle holders are that secure unless you can find bottles that fit with the pocket zipped closed. I just looked at their website and it reminded me that I removed the little pockets that the model has one of on his...
  8. Powderhorn Jim

    Another vest question

    I have the LL Bean and it is a good, comfortable vest with adequate pockets. The only complaint I have about it is the water bottle pockets are too big/loose. Unless I pay attention, when I bend over the water bottles fall out. I run two labs so water is important. I've learned to be careful...
  9. Powderhorn Jim

    transporting a pheasant

    Long ago a friend told me that if you keep water away from the bird, primarily the body cavity, after gutting, the bird will last a lot longer than if you rinse the bird after gutting. If you rinse it, you best be prepared to either freeze it or eat it in a few days as it will spoil. Rinsing...
  10. Powderhorn Jim

    Tough clothes for guys tough on clothes!!!

    Tried your website. Nothing came up but blank pages.
  11. Powderhorn Jim

    Active Member

    Active Member
  12. Powderhorn Jim

    possession thread made me paranoid

    This is why I only use non-toxic shot in South Dakota. It is too easy to inadvertently have a lead shell in a vest/pocket or whatever. Personally, I don't think it reduces my overall success rate at all, and it certainly makes for a more relaxed hunting experience. I may have lead shot loads in...
  13. Powderhorn Jim

    Is My Calendar Wrong?

    Today I found that the "season date" section of the website first page was gone. Hopefully the website owners/developers are updating it with the correct information as it is a great service and saves a lot of time sorting through individual state web pages to find season opening/closing dates.
  14. Powderhorn Jim

    Is My Calendar Wrong?

    Wrong year was my first thought, but the list of opening dates is from the front page of this website and each states "2021". I tend to check with the proper agencies when I see something strange like this, but for someone that doesn't and wants to hunt opening day in either SD or Kansas this...
  15. Powderhorn Jim

    Steel Shot

    When steel first came out, Tom Roster, that was doing most of the ballistics work and trying to make the case that steel will work for waterfowl, told us that for whatever reason, #3 steel shot seemed to outperform other sizes. I don't know if that is still true, but I've used a lot of #3 steel...
  16. Powderhorn Jim

    Is My Calendar Wrong?

    Some time ago I looked at the introductory page to and blithely wrote the season dates given for the states I generally hunt in on my 2021 calendar. Today I had some time to double check those dates as it seemed funny that Kansas, South Dakota and Colorado were...
  17. Powderhorn Jim

    Leads for Labrador

    We have two yellow labs, both from breeders here in Colorado. We've also had yellows from a breeder in Washington State. Our current pair are "British" and "American" lineage. The Brit is easy going, a little hard headed, and a great bird dog. The "American" is from good trialing stock and is a...
  18. Powderhorn Jim

    Harvest =Zero Birds So far.

    I believe Kansas has something similar to Colorado's "corners for conservation". There are quite a few center pivot corners enrolled in their WIHA program in the areas I hunt. The availability of pumped water near good nesting habitat would seem to be very helpful to brood survival.
  19. Powderhorn Jim

    What is the best pair of boots you ever owned for hunting pheasants?

    We are done hunting for the winter so I have time to update this. After Danner replaced six pair of their High Ground boots because the fabric eyelets would wear and break they finally quit making that boot. They do make another boot, the "Vital" that is made on the same last but with metal...
  20. Powderhorn Jim

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    In the areas I hunt very few of the landowners live anywhere near their land. Most live in town, many are non-residents. If you stop and ask at a farmhouse you will most often find that the folks living there are renters and have no authority to give hunting permission. In this situation, most...