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  1. webguy

    Stock Market

    BINGO. So they call it a carbon management company? Ha! I have not followed OXY, but the talking heads at CNBC bring it up a lot. I pulled up the ticker the other day and saw it was moving. I'll look into it more being the research geek I am.
  2. webguy

    my sons first year

    I agree.
  3. webguy

    Greetings from the Palouse!

    Welcome from Minnesota. That's pretty funny.
  4. webguy

    I love this state!

    Nice sweatshirt. Way to be a resident of SD! I miss being one every day, was a resident 2001-2006. MN is not friendly with the taxes!
  5. webguy

    Stock Market

    Same. I got in CVX in Oct along with a few other energy stocks. I've been betting on Uranium as I think the sector is way under-loved. CCJ is my fav play in that sector. Platinum is undervalued in my opinion as well. I noticed all the "green energy" stocks/ETF's took quite the spike because of...
  6. webguy

    Greetings from the Palouse!

    Greetings Markus!
  7. webguy

    Chilled out hunting friend

    Also, it's time to close this pointless thread.
  8. webguy

    Chilled out hunting friend

    I'm glad we really resurrected a thread from Sep 30, 2019 (heavy sarcasm).
  9. webguy

    Workout / train (humans, not dogs) for upcoming season

    Get ready for the season? Here is your answer. High intensity and low impact on the joints: (Air Bike). It's one of the best workouts on the planet. Additionally, I use a Concept2 Rower, Concept2 Bike and Concept2 SkiErg. I'm 6'6" with past sport...
  10. webguy

    Paul D. Nelson

    Montana Husker - Unless one of the moderators did a permanent delete (which I do not see to this thread), randywatson in his writing is being complimentary towards Paul Nelson. He's just simply saying tongue in cheek that it's pricey and good for Nelson Farm for catering to the 1%. That's it. So...
  11. webguy

    Forum Upgrade

    Yes. There weren't too many people using it anyway. Most people were posting external photos. This new software we will be sticking with as they are one of the better ones out there.
  12. webguy

    Stock Market

    Governments have been debasing currency for 1000's of years. All these clowns are doing is running the printing presses which makes asset prices go up. A bag of chips go up a buck or 2 (or decrease the ounce size), homes prices go up, stocks go up, etc. S&P could go to 10K, DOW could go to 100K...
  13. webguy

    New from Wisconsin

    Welcome to the forum tjandy
  14. webguy

    Forum Upgrade

    Issues currently: - I'm waiting for the https or SSL certificate to resolve so you won't see the error on that anymore. (View photo attached) - I currently have a 10MB photo limit on attached photos. Now users can attach photos to the forum, it's much slicker that it was. Please report any...
  15. webguy

    Uploading Photos

    Testing the included photo uploading too. Image sizes are up to 10 MB per photo. Let me know if anyone runs into any photo or file upload issues.
  16. webguy

    Forum Upgrade

    A and B. You will see it's much easier to upload photos, documents, mobile phones, etc.
  17. webguy

    Forum Upgrade

    We have upgraded the forum. Please report any bugs you see here. You will see a Media and Resources section where you can post photos and files in now.
  18. Pheasant Hunting Photo Test

    Pheasant Hunting Photo Test

  19. Pheasant Hunting Photo Test 2

    Pheasant Hunting Photo Test 2

  20. webguy

    guyndog Banned

    I looked up Dogdad. He's the same user that was stirring the pot before that I recently banned. He's just trying to get a reaction. So there is nothing more to really talk about on this forum post other than if you fine gentlemen see a guy with a low amount of posts like him slip through and...