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    PF Fest in KC March7-9

    I went to the one a few years back when it was outside Chicago when I was living in Chicago. I thought it was pretty cool and had a good time.
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    Dog Journal

    Anybody keep a journal regarding their dog and hunts with him/her? If so, what information are you recording? Using a dog/hunting specific journal or just a regular blank journal? I used to journal a lot of my various hunts but not so much anymore. With a new dog, I’m planning on journaling...
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    Jim Edgar Panther

    I had the permit for the quail management area in Dec of 2022. Hunted NYE day without a dog and eventually found a covey and killed a pair out of it.
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    New from Illinois

    Where at in Chicago? I lived there for 15 years before moving back out west two years ago. I used to do a fair amount of grouse hunting in N WI and chased some released pheasants at Des Plaines and some wild quail at Jim Edgar.
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    New Here From NW CO

    The side by side is a Fox Sterlingworth in 20 gauge. A Philadelphia gun with a date of manufacture of 1914. A “ratter” per my uncle who gifted it to me, but it means a lot to me and it’s my go to gun for upper Midwest ruffed grouse and woodcock. It’s choked cylinder and skeet which is just about...
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    New Here From NW CO

    New to the forum from NW CO. I’ve said this is the year of the bird in which I am gonna spend even less time big game hunting and more time chasing grouse and ducks. Highlights from last fall included Sage grouse and dusky grouse here in NW CO: Sharptail Grouse in ND: The King and Woodcock...