Search results

  1. rangerman

    Upland strap vest you can load birds in

    I'm in the market for a final rise vest, which model do you recommend? I'm thinking the Summit. I have a browning bird and lite, but carrying 2 - 32oz water bottles and a couple of pheasants feels heavy towards my back. And the water bottle holders seem alittle far back to reach. Or perhaps...
  2. rangerman

    Snow depths

    Any chance or predictions that there will be a substantial melting of snow before the end of January? Sure would like to make another run there if minimum maintenance roads become drivable. Not a fan of walking on crunchy snow and seeing my dogs have the edges of their pads cut..
  3. rangerman

    Snow depths

    How many inches of snow in the Mitchell- Chamberlin area? Would like to make another run after the first of the year. Imagine minimum maintenance roads impassable?
  4. rangerman

    Lets see some pics of your Bird dogs

    South dakota public lands
  5. rangerman

    SD License- 2 Five Day Periods

    Given that license purchase, would you have to buy a habitat stamp for hunting season 24-25?
  6. rangerman

    Lodging recommendation near Desmet - Arlington?

    Well the name is very inviting..
  7. rangerman

    Lodging recommendation near Desmet - Arlington?

    Contemplating a third trip for five day hunt departing Thursday, weather permitting. Any recommendations for a motel or airbnb that allows dogs in this area?
  8. rangerman

    Let’s see them Setters!

    Piper. Ryman hemlock
  9. rangerman

    Let’s see them Setters!

    Dixie and cooper
  10. rangerman

    Iowa hunting atlas?

    More like the geriatric league. If I ever find the badger that dug that hole, he is a goner! Happened the first day in SD last year, surgery/recovery has been brutal. Felt just as bad for the 3 setters who missed the entire fall hunting season while I was in a cast for 3 months. In a matter...
  11. rangerman

    Iowa hunting atlas?

    Thank you for the assistance. Planning a early December trip to the north central or north west. Don't think I qualify to be hot spotting since I've never been there. (Lol) Should be fun to extend my season in Iowa from my previous 10 days (2 five day trips) in south dakota. Need to make up...
  12. rangerman

    Iowa hunting atlas?

    Wonder if that atlas lists all public hunting areas (wpa, gpa, ihap) with roads over layed? Tentatively planning a first trip to Iowa, since Kansas and Nebraska locations that I frequent are suffering from long term drought and crp conversions. So sad for those 2 states.
  13. rangerman

    Iowa hunting atlas?

    Does Iowa publish a paper hunting atlas similar to south dakota, Kansas and Nebraska. Was looking online only to view their arcgis program. Prefer paper over computer, which makes me old and a first timer to Iowa pheasant hunting.
  14. rangerman


    Hunted sw nebraska afew years ago prior to consecutive multi year droughts. Typical 5 day hunt in early November and again in early December. Not sure why anyone would wear muck boots there when it was absolutely powder dry. Unless you want wet soggy merino socks after being encapsulated in...
  15. rangerman

    Best hunting pup for pheasants

    Or the whole gang
  16. rangerman

    Best hunting pup for pheasants

    Setter anybody, if she doesnt hunt she could be a designer dog!😁
  17. rangerman

    Brookings County Pheasants Forever banquet

    Amen, i need to move to south dakota.
  18. rangerman

    2023 Nest Predator Bounty Program

    Large marshmellow with a couple drops of vanilla extract
  19. rangerman

    Vet visit

    This may help with your closure. At age 62 I have buried more dogs than I care to think about. Presently have 3 setters in the house with me. At my age, the last dogs I will have. Your loss of your beloved dog will ease in time, however the memories will always be there with a tear in your...
  20. rangerman

    Ticks Are GROSS!!!

    I am a retired wildlife in Southern Illinois biologist and ticks can cause very severe illness. Many of the field biologists such as myself and wardens have suffered with tick born illnesses such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Erthyolosis, Lyme Disease and Babeulosis. Many primary care...