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  • howdy......well....if your looking for pheasants I would not recommend Kansas....even though Kansas is my second home....I just returned from a Prairie Chicken hunt there as a matter fact. Western Kansas can be good hunting.....it's very spotty though....you can find birds in the best of cover....even South Dakota is way down this year.....but that being said....I wouldn't let it stop you from going. ...I go when I know it's going to be hard....but that makes it all the more rewarding when I find birds....I don't really pheasant hunt in Kansas....I mostly quail hunt...but I do find pheasants here and there....go to Ksoutdoors.com.....request a hunter package....you will get a Kansas Hunting Atlas that has maps of all the public walk in hunting areas in the state.....a million acres is out there for you to hunt...have fun.
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