Recent content by tomt

  1. T

    Slowing your dog

    I had a very well respected trainer tell me that almost any problem (emphasis on almost) in the field can be addressed with going back and reinforcing basic obedience. Don't be fooled, obediance slips with all of us who love our dogs. Every time I'm getting frustrated, I remember that advice and...
  2. T

    Slowing your dog

    Revisit basic obedience every day, sit, heal, stay. Sit on whistle. Sit on whistle with collar. 5min, that's all it takes. But do it in different settings (ie when going on walks, unleashed walks, prior to training). Dogs should always sit immediately after unloading for their safety, those...
  3. T

    Vest suggestions

    Good point. I have one of the traditional Browning vests, don't like it much as I have to keep it loose so the buckles don't get in my way. I start hunting Sept grouse where I most often find adequate water sources for the dog, then through Montana, KS and CO pheasants where I'm often needing 2...
  4. T

    Vest suggestions

    I recently lost my hip belt with snare pliers, dog bowl etc somewhere along a 3 mile WPA loop. I'vebeen wanting a vest but I absolutely hate have a strap under my gun stock effecting the pull. I have had a couple iver the years but can't get over that feeling, hence the hip belt. However...
  5. T

    Count the ways ya can screw up

    Just got off the phone with mine.... she paused a bit too long when I said that I'd be home by Dec 6th.... "really?" was her reply. I've only been gone since the 19th 🤔😆 All good, she hung up after a "love ya babe" 👍
  6. T


    Very impressed with the numbers of birds still out there on public land. I haven't walked a field without seeing at least a couple, not always getting shots but that's a work in progress with a very enthusiastic young lab. Staying in smaller areas where 1 guy and his 2 year old, who keeps...
  7. T

    Count the ways ya can screw up

    How many ways can you screw up in one field?? So my first walk was a 3.6 miler around a WPA. Kali got birdy right away and I stupidly didn't go with it as I thought the birds would be on the side of the pond further away from the truck where the thick grass met corn. Instead, we got to the...
  8. T


    Once a "mud eater" always a mud eater. Last 2 labs sneak(ed) a bite whenever they could. But past age 2 they do it much much less... the collar helped with my current lab
  9. T

    The music of camping out

    I'll usually camp through the last of Nov/ first week of December, although every 5th night I call it a day early and sleep in the next morning while giving my dog and I both a rest in a Motel. If snow AND wind, I'm moteling it for sure😉
  10. T

    Popcorn roosters?

    They are fighting. They jump in order to spur each other... Mean little f'ers to each other. 😉
  11. T

    The music of camping out

    So I've been hunting far from home in multiple states the last few years. Small truck, one dog, not a lot of gear. I try to find out of the way places to hunt, and quietly, legally and cleanly, to camp. Never have seen an ugly sunset (or sunrise) on the prairie, and falling asleep before 8:30...
  12. T


    Hunted Sunday thru Tuesday, letting the roads firm up a bit. Did very well on public, pretty good on private. 2 guys, 2 dogs a few misses and 15 roosters in the bag. Fields with waste high grass, mostly bordering grain but even if next to winter wheat, had birds. Had to know where those were...
  13. T

    Purpose of Force-Fetch?

    This is 100% spot on!
  14. T

    Lab guys sorry but....

    Wow!!!! This is the freaking most ridiculous thread I’ve ever seen on this forum, starting with the original post. Choose your dog, train it how you want and take it hunting! Y’all have too much time on your hands 🙌 f you got sucked into this $hit fest. Oh damn, look at me responding instead of...
  15. T

    After Thanksgiving report

    I eat a bird and a side salad (or a can of corn) almost every night, especially if I’m staying / hunting longer than 5 days. Easier than worrying about getting them frozen. Plus they taste better the night they give up their existence to me 😜