Recent content by carptom1

  1. carptom1

    Aberdeen area

    If I had the time I could share about some lodging one time northwest of Salina ks that fit the bill…..
  2. carptom1

    Released birds - the numbers

    There are a ton of factors that go into production/ survival year after year and it has many places to fail regardless of habitat. Case in point… I had access to a farm out around Murdo fifteen years ago. This is the western edge of what would be considered good pheasant hunting. We hunted...
  3. carptom1

    Shooting Woes - Help Needed

    No kidding…. I have a guy that I have taken north a few times. He has hunted but not a ton. He always acts totally surprised at the flush and often has his gun on his shoulder. Many times he hasn’t shot at all and when he does it is out a way and much smaller percentage. I have tried to coach...
  4. carptom1

    Pointer or flusher debate

    Really? I thought you just fried them till they came back. For me conditioning started on a lead. We this was my experience. Growing up with pointers we hunted quail more than pheasant as they were more plentiful in eastern Kansas. When birds started to become more scarce and I started going...
  5. carptom1

    Pheasant Fest 2025 KC

    Everyone of those have something I like. Slap’s meat is pretty hard to beat, the lamb ribs and beans at Jack Stack are my favorite, the slaw at Joes is great. There is a little spot on K32 in Bonner called Roscoes with great sauce and the ribs at LC’s are really good. Yes I have eaten at a few...
  6. carptom1

    Vikings game

    Well I seriously doubt the Bills get through both the Ravens and the Chiefs as their defense is not good enough and in the end that is what usually wins in the playoffs. I know everyone is tired of the Chiefs and living down here I get tired of it too, but they are always a tough out.
  7. carptom1

    Vikings game

    Darnold fell into a perfect situation this year but he is what he is. With two top ten receivers, A good tight end, a very good running back and a smart young coach. It was easy for him to look better than he really is. Unfortunately QB’s are judged on Their big game play. He looked gun shy out...
  8. carptom1

    16 gauge

    You carry your gun when you knock on the door? 😂 I never wanted to be one of those guys either. Then I had a buddy going through a divorce offer me a 16 gauge Citori for 800 bucks cash. I thought what the heck I can always get my money out of it. Haven’t used anything else in about 15 years...
  9. carptom1

    End of shooting hours,? for evening hunters

    That brings up a good point. There was a time I was all about limits in hand…. As I have gotten older I count the unrecoverable birds towards my limit. Coyotes have to eat too. BTW I like to be out of the field before it gets too dark.
  10. carptom1

    Missing GSH's near Ulysses

    Looks like he found them
  11. carptom1

    Missing GSH's near Ulysses

    Yeah I saw this. Hopefully he finds them I lost one for a few days once. Made me sick till he was located.
  12. carptom1

    No weekend reports?,mid:576462796944988377,oid:15301538446516367829,iid:14159690072146026578,pvt:hg,pvo:19&oshop=apv&pvs=0 This is the one I used. It worked great and she...
  13. carptom1

    No weekend reports?

    So it was her upper front leg. I was driving east of Aberdeen back in October and it was the last hours of a six day ND/SD hunt. We were both tired and needed one more bird an hour or so before dark. Saw several sitting in a tree on a really dirty looking minimum maintenance road. The fence...
  14. carptom1

    No weekend reports?

    It’s not just your dog…. 725 on a Friday night in Aberdeen
  15. carptom1

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Their will to live is uncanny at times. My son and I were walking a waterway next to some milo stubble. He on the high side maybe 70 yards away slightly ahead. The dog ran back and went on point behind me at 40+ yards. I took a couple steps back towards her and he flushed maybe 50 yards from me...