birddude's latest activity

  • birddude
    birddude reacted to UplandJim's post in the thread Gun dog hearing loss prevention? with Like Like.
    My Chessie Augustus will be 10 in August and his hearing just ain’t what it used to be, saw another post where some folks had ideas...
  • birddude
    birddude replied to the thread A5 20ga.
    Before you order one on GB, call the seller and make sure they have it in stock. Some of the sellers will put them on the site without...
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to mutthunt's post in the thread Here is a strange tip I heard. with Like Like.
    Yes, everyone should hunt the cover around bean fields. Avoid birds there.
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to That1uncle1776's post in the thread Nasty little habits with Like Like.
    I'd guess an E-collar would work. But hard to correct them if you aren't catching them in the act immediately
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to Bob Peters's post in the thread Post your pictures with Like Like.
    East of Hilger.
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to That1uncle1776's post in the thread Leather gloves with Like Like.
    What I like to get is a pair of sheep skin gloves that are a bit to small, then get them wet and work a bit with them on to kinda form...
  • birddude
    birddude replied to the thread 1330 fps.
    I have tested the cheap shells. They are all pretty much the same with the Winchesters slightly better (in the gun I used). Back when I...
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to GetTothePoint's post in the thread 1330 fps with Like Like.
    I was ordering shells the other day, sifting through fps, brands, lead v non-tox, etc.... and began chuckling to myself of how difficult...
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to McFarmer's post in the thread Rem TCi 105 questions with Like Like.
    I think Remington of old could have made it work, it was about this time the accountants took over.
  • birddude
    birddude replied to the thread Nasty little habits.
    My young wire loves my wife. On her lap constantly. Now she's sneaking licks from the wine glasses. Sleeps late every day and yesterday...
  • birddude
    birddude replied to the thread Rem TCi 105 questions.
    Exactly, when they came out, I thought here we go with the carbon into the shotguns and bottom eject!! How cool. I was thinking if this...
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to gock5's post in the thread New Addition with Like Like.
    7.5 week old YLF, Georgie, out of Cooperstown Kennels. Her grandsire is Teddy, who is my 6 yr old YLF's, Sookie, sire. Teddy GRHRCH...
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to Goosemaster's post in the thread Dog Breed Popularity with Like Like.
    There's a sucker born everyday.
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to 2point's post in the thread Dog Breed Popularity with Like Like.
    I think that there are more labs than frenchies. They are going off the number of AKC registrations. I have had labs my whole life. AKC...
  • birddude
    birddude reacted to BrownDogsCan2's post in the thread Dog Breed Popularity with Like Like.
    Don”t breeders have to register the litter regardless of whether you choose to register the individual dog or not. I’ve never registered...