Going to my spot in Weskan. off hwy 40, this coming wed. think there will be any snow? left on the ground. also help in posting pics. Anybody interested? you are sure welcome as I will be by my self. me & the dog.
Went to the meeting on the 1st tue of the month,last night. Low & behold there was no meeting. web site stated their meetings were on the first Tuesday of the month. what gives? :mad::mad::mad:
Don't see anything on the forum about the UPH get together on the 15th. Is it still on or has it been cancelled.Am planning on hunting in KS this weekend.
Hate to drive all the way to Dodge city for no reason. Retriverman is the only one I know of who said he will be in and around Dodge this...
What the secret for keeping your finger warm enough to pull the trigger? I use a pair of thin glove (ski) linners.They call them Michael Jackson gloves, It sure makes a difference when the temp gets to zero. :cheers::10sign:
What the secret for keeping your finger warm enough to pull the trigger? I use a pair of thin glove (ski) linners.They call them Michael Jackson gloves.
It sure makes a difference when the temp gets to zero. :cheers::10sign:
Always include in your truck a pair of pliers(leathermans) and some tomato
juice. nothing like having to return the motel (or home) with a dog that has been skunked or quilled by a porky, there must be other items one should carry:cheers:
Stopped by a local farmer to get permission to hunt some of his circle corners,
on Friday afternoon. I had hunted his corners last Dec. He said stick around and go with his group. He put on a big two day feed that was great for the group of 50+. Not having a place to hunt I went along. It was an...
Most towns in the Pheasant areas of KS have some kind of a function relating to Opening Day,such as the night before or breakfast. Thought this would be a good place to meet other fourm members. I will be at the B&B in Hugoton
Let's hear about other places.:cheers::cheers::cheers:
Does anyone know if the wireless conection is the prefered way to conect to
internet, in the farm and ranch areas? The reason I ask is my kids gave me an
i-pod. It has a great map program that would be useful in locating hunting areas.:thumbsup:
Has the recent reports of large hail falling across s/e Co. and s/w Ks this past week caused any damage to the pheasant chicks or is it to early to determind? thanks for any reply.