Early Sunday Morning


I'm off on an adventure. Planning about 10 days. Prairies, peaks and badlands.
Remote camping, frosty mornings and taking in all the night sounds. Checking on some of my rooster hunting areas. Sharptails and Huns. A couple days for the mountain grouse.
Probably take a few pics. :cheers:
Do you have much luck hunting Badlands? Where I go in Montana has some badlands areas close by, but I never thought to try and hunt there.
Weather forecast for the middle of the week looks much colder than normal and wet. Hopefully it clears up this weekend as I'll finally be able to get out in the field.
Nancy had me get out the storage tubs with Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations but it's still 90 degrees every day. It won't be fall until I hear the first flocks of Sandhill Cranes fly over the house. Next month.
ENJOY....post as many pics as you can. I love Montana...I'm gonna make a short prairie bird trip next week....final destination has yet to be decided on..lol
Got back home during the early morning.

Cal, indeed there were frosty mornings.

Weather was crappy for the most part, damp, rainy and windy. GRUMBO Valley Co and West and South no 2 track driving there. :eek:

Birds though, yeah, I got birds. :) Pups were great.

Pics and details will follow, got a busy day to tend to. :cheers:


Can't wait to see the photos. You bump into any sneaky snakes out there. I am hoping to get take a Sage Grouse or two when I get home before it is shut down forever. I haven't seen any in awhile and was curious what you saw out there.
Nope, no snakes, daytime temps mostly in the 40's low 50's, cloudy, rainy and windy.
Snakes can be a problem on those Sept days when the afternoons are sunny and the temps get 70 or better. :eek:
I wanted to get into Sage Grouse Country, it was impossible, the gumbo.
FW&P did close off a lot of the Sage Grouse Range. And I think the season is closing on SG the first of Oct?
Gumbo in all its recipes is just no fun. I've noticed a number of BMAs state that they can eject you from the BMA if your truck is dirty in their estimation. It's all about noxious weeds and they're right to be concerned. I've spent $10+ at the car wash in Harlowton and barely got the stuff off my truck. Do you wash the stuff off or wait and talk to the land owner if they're concerned beyond the boiler plate language in the BMA's use rules?
Cal, for me, I did learn a long time ago. Where to go and where not to.
I avoid the impossible, you cant travel in gumbo!!!. Oh sure I have washed up my truck a few times, but not lately. :)

I see a trail that is wet, I change plans, simple.

For anyone reding this, You have a muddy vehicle, a muddy 4 wheeler in tow.

DO NOT STOP, ASK FOR permission to hunt.

And there is a LOT more to it then invasive weeds, Think ruts, :cheers:
I am planning to go to Montana for the first time to hunt pheasants this year and have a question. My van camper is a 2 wheel drive with good mud tires and a limited slip rear end.

Is this adequate for hunting in Montana I know better than to go down a wet muddy road. Just wondering if there is access off gravel roads...heck I am wondering if the roads are gravel LOL.

Eastern Montana is a close as I have narrowed it down, hunting walk in and BMA type land.
I am planning to go to Montana for the first time to hunt pheasants this year and have a question. My van camper is a 2 wheel drive with good mud tires and a limited slip rear end.

Is this adequate for hunting in Montana I know better than to go down a wet muddy road. Just wondering if there is access off gravel roads...heck I am wondering if the roads are gravel LOL.

Eastern Montana is a close as I have narrowed it down, hunting walk in and BMA type land.

You more than likely would be OK with 2wd, unless we get a lot of snow, then it might get a little harder to navigate. Probably wouldn't hurt to have some tire chains just in case. Some roads have good gravel and others are clay/gumbo. It really doesn't matter if you have 4wd or not when you get in the gumbo, you can still bury a rig. I think you'll be fine with that rig.

another question is there cell service pretty widespread in eastern MT?

I've got ATT and it's getting better but still spotty for me. It used to be there were only 3 places I could get cell service and one was a 20' circle 1/4 mile out in the middle of a stubble field.
Watch the weather closely and if a storm front is coming in don't mess around. I had to drive 600 miles in 4WD coming home one year and was often the only idiot on the road.
Cell service in eastern MT is spotty, but it does exist. Eastern MT is isolated compared to different parts of the country. When you get around a lot of the towns, you'll have decent coverage, depends also what towns you'll be hunting around.
I've got ATT and it's getting better but still spotty for me. It used to be there were only 3 places I could get cell service and one was a 20' circle 1/4 mile out in the middle of a stubble field.
Watch the weather closely and if a storm front is coming in don't mess around. I had to drive 600 miles in 4WD coming home one year and was often the only idiot on the road.

Up until 2 years ago I had att in the Chicagoland area. It was no better here. I work 6 miles from home and had 4 dead zones.

I was in E MT last year and very good luck with Verizon - both voice and data.