Yesterdays hunt


New member
Me, my (non-hunting) Fiancee Lisa, and our setter Andy went out to chase Mr. Ringneck yesterday. We hit several WIA's around Akron and to my surprise we only had one point on a hen and didn't see another bird until about 4pm when we were in the last field of the day. Andy got out ahead of us a little to far for my liking and locked up on a solid point. Previous to this point Andy had started to get bored so he was pointing every darn tweety bird he came across (puppies?) In return I had given up on being excited when he locked up, so on this occasions I slowly worked my way up to where he was locked up and Andy didn't budge at all and just as I got within 5 feet in front of Andy a longtail and hen boiled out of the cover and I hammered the one and only rooster of the day! Being Andy is only 8 months old I was very proud of him for holding these birds as long as he did, if only I would have known I would of had Lisa taking pictures of this particular point... oh well! I wanted to add a picture of all of us and our trophy, but the file size is too big for this post. Sorry.
It was a great day spent with my Fiancee and my hunting buddy! One bird is better than no birds and any day hunting is a better day than any work day!! :cheers:

How's everyone else doing on their hunting trips around Akron? I'm thinking I'm going to give it a rest for a week or so and try some other areas?
Hey Hunter1971,
Glad to see that your pup is coming along nicely. Regarding pictures, you can reduce the file size for your picture in your photo editing software. There is a thread in Website Announcements and Support that explains different ways to post pictures. The easiest way for viewers is if you embed the picture right in the post rather than as an attachment. You can upload your pictures to a free picture hosting website like PhotoBucket and then copy the picture file from Photobucket directly into your post. I've been able to successfully do this twice now.

Good luck out there this season with your pup. I havn't hunted around Akron this year--I've been staying out further east-Yuma, Holyoke, and S. of Julesburg.

I'm trying what PairOfLabs suggested. Thank you! :cheers:

Excellent photo! Looks like you got a great pup. :thumbsup: Now save the wings and tail for training. It's nearly as fun as hunting (but not quite). Glad to hear there are birds that close to Ft. Morgan.
Great looking dog! Sounds like you have a winner there. My shorthair and ES have both been guilty of pointing stuff that they should not be pointing this year and they are 6 & 8 with a lot of experience.

Don't forget, you get a free pheasant mount when you buy a pup from me ; bring one in !!
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pheasant mounts

I was sent some emails about mounts ;I charge $175 for a pheasant mount /standing or flying but if you are a reg. member from this site i'll do it for $150.
Very nice Hunter. That pup looks good.:coolpics: I was out on Saturday and as the other thread said hold on to your hats. My GSP birdied up a bunch around the Yuma WIA's but with the wind doin 50-60 he had a hard time locking on. We only jumped 1 Rooster and 3 hens all day. Just to much wind. I think I would have to agree with you and am going to lay off of them for a couple weeks. See if we can get together then and go git 'em. For now ice fishing Lake John sounds about good.:)
Sounds good PBuster! But I think may change my mind about holding off for a couple of weeks, the news of a snow storm has me thinking that maybe I'll be out Friday!!!:thumbsup: My pup is getting bored and tired of laying around the house all day and I have a need for some flushing roosters!!!

Any suggestions? I'm thinking of trying something new further East, but I don't know for sure.
nice way to finish the day

as far as giving it a rest, I think everything is about to change with the front coming in tomorrow...