WTB: The Perfect Start DVD (and Perfect Finish)


New member
The Perfect Start -- Bird Dog Training DVD

Does anyone have a copy they are willing to sell?

Mainly, I am looking for the Perfect Start but would be interested in the Perfect Start and Perfect Finish complete set as well. Let me know. I will be ordering new in a day or two but figured it cant hurt to ask here.
I'll look when I get home tonight. I used to have these, but may not be able to find them now.
I found them yesterday. IIRC, I bought them second-hand 10 years ago when my current dog was a pup. They're a little scratched up, I'm not sure how well they'll play. Let me spend a day or two testing them and I'll get back to you.

BTW, thanks for replying to the thread. I had completely forgot about looking for them.