Wounded Warrior Quail Hunt


Active member

Front, from left: Win Stephens, Frank Bagwell Jr., Jim Webb and Bud Wester; standing: Chris Dinklage, Noah Ogburn, Ben Baar, Chris Fortin, Mandy Gonzalez, Craig Landers, Shawn Ceranic and Terry Prevatte. Back: Daniel Burnett.

This January, members of the Kissimmee River Valley (Florida) Quail Forever Chapter guided four wounded veterans on a quail hunt at the Avon Park Air Force Range.

"This event was a success in every way possible, and a great 'hands on' way to allow us to show our appreciation," noted Kissimmee River Valley chapter member Paul Weaver.

The event was made possible by the efforts of Byron Maharrey of The Florida Sportsmen's Conservation Association (FSCA), Shawn Ceranic, a local Marine reservist, Troy Hershberger of the Avon Park Bombing Range and members of Kissimmee River Valley Quail Forever.
Congrats to the KRV members of Quail Unlimited for being True Americans!!!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
This only makes me wish that there was more of these kinds of stories on the news instead of what we hear. Good job Kissame River Valley QF.