Worth A Shot


Me and a couple buddies might be making another trip out to SD in early December. We typically hunt around the Webster area but have traveled further west (groton) before. Thinking we may need to try further west yet but just doesn't seem as much public further west.

We mainly just hunt public land but were wondering and thought it was worth a shot to see what/if anyone would be willing to guide us to some possible private land to hunt - hoping to get on a couple more birds than what we do on public.

I can't speak for the other guys but for one day or so I think we would be willing to spend some money to hunt but not a ton ($50 maybe) we typically can make these trips fairly resonable without spending too much and hoping to continue that.

Currently planning a trip Dec 3 - 7.

Like I said, worth a shot! and Thanks!

Thanks to those who PMed me. We are still staying in Watertown but will likely head further west a day or two. Maybe find some new fields to hit. Hopefully we there won't be too many deer hutners to contend with. (I think it is still open through Sunday)

We leaving this Friday afternoon and will be hunting Sat - Mon and coming back on tuesday.

I see there should be some snow out there - how much is actually on the ground?

Again - Thanks
We are headed to Webster also but not until the 11th of December. Hunted the area last year and did ok. But there were other hunters at the hotel who did better heading further west. We hunt mostly public lands, wia, wpa and gpa. Coming from Michigan where you can walk an entire day and never raise your gun any amount of birds is great.