
lab man

I just read that 20 hounds were killed by wolves, from 7-13 to 9-9-13 in Northern Wisconsin. One GSP was also injured. Anyone hunting in Northern Wisconsin, should look at the Wi DNR site, it will show you a map of the hot spots where dogs have been killed.

lab man
This stupid mistake by the DNR will take way more effort then some hunting seasons to get them back to a very small manageable number. Farmers and ranchers and so on went to huge extremes to eradicate the problem long ago. Planes, poison, traps, the gun when seen and so on. A few hunters will do nothing but make them possibly more weary of man. But they will spread just as the coyote has. Only a bigger problem. If I was a land owner in those areas, I would do what ever it takes to kill them off and just shut up. Recently one attacked a young boy in nth MN as well.
Can't blame the cityot either for living in dumbed down America. They just don't have a clue what goes on in the real world, just TV. The moose draw has been closed in MN now. I know plenty of folks from up north that basically sit in a deer stand now, and never see a deer. They would normally see 30 a day. When they run out of deer and moose to eat, what does that leave??? They are taking anything they can to survive. They are a big puppy, they eat a lot. They are very smart like a coyote. If they get desperately hungry look out. Dogs, cats, livestock now are already fair game. There are some about 30 miles from where I live. I hope to get a tag. I think they should issue one for every deer lic. a combination. Years ago we could take bear and deer with the same tag. That way the few who would actually have the opportunity to kill one, could do so legally.
I live across the pond from northern Wisconsin. My lab does not bark but when the big dogs show up behind the kennel she screams. Happened twice in last month. when you go outside they just look at you Not concerned at all.
I live across the pond from northern Wisconsin. My lab does not bark but when the big dogs show up behind the kennel she screams. Happened twice in last month. when you go outside they just look at you Not concerned at all.

Me, don't mind admitting I would shoot them.:thumbsup: and go on with life.
Here's a link to the Dept Natural Resources page that tracks depredation.


Aside from destruction they do to dogs and livestock, wolves are a terror on wildlife and have wreaked havoc on deer and elk populations in the northern part of the State.

Sometimes the hunter and/or private land owner is a much better wildlife manager than the Dept when they take action on their own when they encounter a predator like a wolf. ;)
I actualy felt a little sorry for a couple of big dogs last winter. Less hair than a pig, rope for a tail. Mother nature had their #.
There are still a lot of metropolitan types out here that believe wolves are cute, cuddly, pose no problem to anything, and have damn near as many rights as an outdoor housecat. They must have been raised on a steady diet of Disney movies . . .
There are still a lot of metropolitan types out here that believe wolves are cute, cuddly, pose no problem to anything, and have damn near as many rights as an outdoor housecat. They must have been raised on a steady diet of Disney movies . . .

Yep, just like the ones who went north hiking with the entire family and yellow Lab. Wolves came in right in amongst the family and ate the lab. Tore it to shreds and ate the thing for the whole family to watch. No gun, nothing they could do but leave.
Now that the Canadian Wolves have the Yellowstone elk herd down to a few hanging around the camp grounds and other safe areas. The wolves are moving East and into ranch country.
Wolves won't do well in the ranch country.:)

Since big game species have been managed for the large carnivores in MT. Hunter numbers and hunter success have dropped sharply.

It is funny how opinions have changed. I knew the USF&W planting the Canadian wolves would be a HUGE mistake.

I love being correct. :cheers:
Now that the Canadian Wolves have the Yellowstone elk herd down to a few hanging around the camp grounds and other safe areas. The wolves are moving East and into ranch country.
Wolves won't do well in the ranch country.:)

Since big game species have been managed for the large carnivores in MT. Hunter numbers and hunter success have dropped sharply.

It is funny how opinions have changed. I knew the USF&W planting the Canadian wolves would be a HUGE mistake.

I love being correct. :cheers:

Yeah, this one screamed out trouble right from the get-go. I remember camping in Wisconsin's Devil's Lake state park back in the 90's. They had a pro-wolf re-introduction brochure flying around out there. After reading it I was amazed at the half-truths it was filled with.

I caught word a few years back that they're quietly releasing wolves here in IL now too. Somewhere down state:confused: It's a matter of time before they spread throughout the whole state.:(
There have been over 10 dogs killed near a buddies hunt camp. Makes me think twice about going bird hunting with him. You have to keep your dog in decent range and be aware. At my lake house, I'm very leery of letting the dog roam around outside. My brother in law watched a wold take a fawn in his back yard. 5-10 miles away two separate incidencts - family's Golden got between a wolf and the kids playing on a trampoline in the back yard. Dog got ripped up pretty bad. In another an ankle biter was attacked in the yard while the homeowner raked leaves.

I think the hunting season will help some, as the wolf will acquire a fear of humans. When we first started hunting turkeys here, they ran into the first calling. Easy hunting. Now they're wary and it takes some work, skill and luck to bag a big tom. Deer are like pets around the homes, but come deer season, they turn into a different animal.
Ive heard that those tracking colors have found their ways onto semis at truck stops and US wildlife services have to track them down in other states.

I know guys who arent using their beeper collars anymore due to rumor that wolves have learned its a dinner bell, going to the garmin color.
There have been over 10 dogs killed near a buddies hunt camp. Makes me think twice about going bird hunting with him. You have to keep your dog in decent range and be aware. At my lake house, I'm very leery of letting the dog roam around outside. My brother in law watched a wold take a fawn in his back yard. 5-10 miles away two separate incidencts - family's Golden got between a wolf and the kids playing on a trampoline in the back yard. Dog got ripped up pretty bad. In another an ankle biter was attacked in the yard while the homeowner raked leaves.

I think the hunting season will help some, as the wolf will acquire a fear of humans. When we first started hunting turkeys here, they ran into the first calling. Easy hunting. Now they're wary and it takes some work, skill and luck to bag a big tom. Deer are like pets around the homes, but come deer season, they turn into a different animal.

Funny you say that you think hunting them will help. The anti hunting tree huggers are blaming the hunting for making them more aggressive Lol!
Yeah, well antis are like DC politicians . . . they blame problems on everything but the real cause.

Yeah, well antis are like DC politicians . . . they blame problems on everything but the real cause.

there are more than a few people want them here in colorado, they think that wuffs killing elk is better then hunter's shooting them and when they are not killing game, they will be cute fuzzy pets

Reading the comments sections of the sites that have this story posted will make people realize the complete lunacy that we are up against as hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. I wonder when the last time most of these people that know so much about how to manage our herds and that tell me how to hunt were actually out in the woods?

I don't wish harm upon anyone but I do believe in a certain level of Karma, and some of these people are really begging for it to find them.

I cannot imagine the feeling of helplessness one must feel when they are seeing/hearing their pet and/or hunting partner being mauled. All for what? So the state can make money off of commemorative license plates? The whole thing is a joke.