Will it work?

I got some crp to plant and it'll have a 4 acre slough in it I'm thinking before I plug the tile of putting in little 5ft round old metal feeder rings and filling them with dirt and putting straw on top. Do you think geese and ducks would nest on top of them? They will be 1-1 1/2 above the water.
I got some crp to plant and it'll have a 4 acre slough in it I'm thinking before I plug the tile of putting in little 5ft round old metal feeder rings and filling them with dirt and putting straw on top. Do you think geese and ducks would nest on top of them? They will be 1-1 1/2 above the water.

Coot, I don't think a good thing for ducks. Ducks need shelter from the up above type duck killers.
For geese, you bet.
Use prairie hay and it's stay/last better. Next year, round up the top in the fall and plant wheat or rye on top. Round bales also work well, but must be replaced often. If used, it's best to wrap them in welded wire mesh or chicken wire to keep the muskrats from dismantling them.
For the duck nest you think it would work if I took a 30 drum and filled it full of straw kinda like the hen house pics. Seems like it would be easier to make.
If you want to concentrate on ducks, put in woodduck boxes on metal posts. They're easy to make at home or you can buy commercial ones. Make sure to include hail screen on the inside leading up to the hole and put 3-4 inches of wood chips in the bottom. Face it away from the prevailing winds. Clean it out each winter and restock with chips. Ground nesting ducks are usually going to select sites that aren't artificial.