Will have a new hunting partner this season


New member
I am very excited because this season my yellow lab female (Daisy) pup will be hunting with me. She turns 1yr old in November. I have been working on all her OB, retrieving with dead pheasants and such. Shot the gun around her and introduced her to some upland drills. The only thing I need to do this weekend is get a couple of live pigeons and throw them for her so she can get used to a live, blood flowing bird.

I am also working on her hold/force fetching. I am very excited because my old yellow lab male, Titan, is 13yrs old. He is the son of my first lab, GMHR Conan of Texas. I will take him out, however I won't work him to much. I have a 6 yr old chocolate female (Roxie) and she is pretty good, however I like to have two dogs at all times. I always have had two when I pheasant hunt. I feel like that way I can rest one if I need to plus if I am hunting by myself, two flushers cover more ground than just one and me.

Anyhow, here's too :cheers: all of our best friends that will be with us come opening weekend and the rest of the season. And just like every season that comes and goes, I will be thinking of my best hunting partners who are not with me, Conan and Ruby, we had some good times. :thumbsup:

Funny, I hunt alot of the same cover and grounds out in Kansas that when I first ever hunted out there I had Conan and Ruby with me. We, meaning Conan, Ruby and myself, kind of learned together how to try and hunt those wily cockbirds. Now when I go out there, I think of all the good times we had and birds I shot, the ones I missed and that they retrieved or tracked down.:( I wouldnt' do it if it were not for my dogs....

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Hey R-man,
We can keep each other posted on the progress of our new hunting buddies. I'm officially a PairofLabs again. After having to put down my 2 yr old lab Logan last April due to bad epileptic cluster seizures I began my search for a new lab. I ended up with a pointing lab pup from Larry Kimble's Master National Pointing Labrador kennel in southeast Kansas. My 13 yr old lab Cody is officially retired as of last year so it's just Parker and me this year. Like you, in the past I would bring both labs when I had two that could physically go and I'll be looking to add another pup, maybe next Spring.

9 mo. old Parker made his wild pheasant debut on Oct. 28 near Mitchell, SD and I was very pleased. His first retrieve was a doozy, bringing a bird out of a 6 ft cattail jungle--I couldn't believe he found it. The bird got up out of a grassy fencerow and I didn't know about the cattail area until I ran over there.

Good luck with your new pup in Kansas.
Good with your pup this weekend. I will be out this weekend out in eastern Colorado. Should be fun and hopefully get into some birds.

Well it looks like Parker's Colorado season debut is postponed. The vet took the stiches out this morning but didn't give him a hunt pass yet--he needs several more days of healing. So I'll be dogless tomorrow and I better try my best to drop-em dead. Good luck tomorrow.