Why do animals always get it?

I'm reading this article about a bear that attacked a runner:eek: And I don't understand it. The bear gets it:( The bear didn't know he did anything wrong. Lady probably scared the bear while it was sleeping. Heck blackclouds one crankie dude when he get woke up suddenly:eek:. So explain to me why a human can hurt or kill another human. And they get tossed in jail for awhile and everythings ok. Why don't we get worked up and say they bad monkey for not following rules that we think animals should follow? and if they don't kill them. I know writing allittle confusing but I think you guys should understand what I'm trying to say:)
You can sure tell when the Still starts to run in Iowa!!!!

Coot if the animals had rights like humans , we wouldn't be able to shoot and eat them!!! All the jails would be full!!!
I can see a new reality TV show on the horizon staring Blackcloud & Captaincoot. :thumbsup: Just trying to figure out just what the reality show would be called!:D:D
Jails would be empty if we done the same to human as we do to aniamls when they hurt someone:) Plus we wouldn't have a viking football team:D