Why are some wma areas no hunting?

Bob Peters

Well-known member
I've run across 2 that I can think of off hand that are wma's but listed as no hunting. I could understand if it was a tiny piece and a house right there, but the 2 I have seen are not in that category. Just wondering if anyone knows any reasons for this? I think they both allow trapping but no hunting.
The closed ones are usually reported in the MN DNR Hunting handbook. Were they inside a designated county refuge ? Were they WMAs or SNAs ??

Here is page 96 from the Hunting Regs

The State has occasionally accepted donations of land to be managed for wildlife as WMAs under the condition from the donors that they be closed to hunting. Bur Oak WMA in Le Sueur County is one that is closed to hunting but open to trapping. Other WMAs, like Talcot Lake, Walnut Lake, and Lac Qui Parle, have No Trespass Sanctuaries for wintering deer or other refuge purposes. And other WMAs have designated wildlife refuges where hunting is limited or not allowed. Typically these are for waterfowl. This is the most common reason for a hunting restriction.
Thanks, Burr Oak was one I was wondering about. I almost jumped out and hunted there a couple weeks ago. I also wondered about the Verna Schmidt one right on the corner of German Lake. Now I know. Appreciate the info.
Thanks, Burr Oak was one I was wondering about. I almost jumped out and hunted there a couple weeks ago. I also wondered about the Verna Schmidt one right on the corner of German Lake. Now I know. Appreciate the info.
Bob I believe Carl and Verna Schmidt donated both of those pieces of land (Bur Oak and Verna Schmidt WMA).