Well I am with you in do you dare take the Bait too, But what the heck, First of all, Go for it if that is what you want "I would".
But for some one to say that flushing breeds are not ment for smaller groups is "well" um "well" I don't even know what to say. I have seen too Many times lately what happens when you stick up for what you believe in on here. Flushing dogs can hunt with ANY number of people. And can be found to be verry BOLD in every type of cover for any bird, any state, any cover.... And to think that a flushing breed is not athletic is "Well" Um I don't know what to even say. I can't tell you how many finds over 40 yards my dog has found, what a nose. And when the ears perk up and they accelerate into the flush from so far away, you know what to be ready for.Then comes the leap in the air after the bird and the steady dog to allow the safe shot. What a rush. then the Marking skills come in after the bird falls 50- 75 yards away from the dog and buttons the retrieve to deliver it to hand nicely. I have never ran in cover to big, that does not exist.And well a defined box "WELL UM", I don't even know what to say. I let my dog go and find birds that is what they do...... When ya go hunting somewhere, Its not what you drove to get there it's what gets out of the vehical when you get there, And you run what you brung. I like the versatility, athletisim, birdfinding, drive, toughness, and loyalty I get in my flushing breed. I have seen some very nice pointers too but there not for me, wouldn't want one.They just won't work where I hunt alot, Plain and simple fact, or I would have one or two or three.But I do know I can take a good Spaniel and come hunting where ever you want for just about every bird on the planet. Even Texas, thats where I am at now.Yes I agree with the above statement about pointers covering big fields, this has been the thorn in my side for some and I say some of the pointers, they clear the field of birds so many times, at least I have seen it too many times. I cant' take that. Yes there are alot of them that probably hunt within gun range, But I need to be shown a realy good one because I have never ever seen what I would like in a pointer. I guess I will have to take a hunt with some of you guys to show me different. I can definately take you and show you the oppisite of the comments past. I have seen the national field trials they do on horseback with pointers but that kinda leaves me scratching my head too, I don't have a darn glue maker.Maybe an ATV could keep up.? I have seen some pics. on this forum of a guy's pointers I would like to see verry much. But will still never own one. I can see in some of the predominatly quail states where you would have possibly abetter use for one. But "Well Um" I don't even know what to say. Have a good One Guy's. And good luck with your new adventure with the pointing dog.