When to hunt the various types of habitat?


New member
So what is everyone's opinion on when to hunt certain types of habitat? Do you hunt shelterbelts and thick roosting cover certain parts of the day? What about wheat stubble and other food sources? How about CRP? What is everyones favorite time of day to hunt them?

I love hitting heavy cover at first light. Seems to catch birds by surprise!
You Know When to Hunt

So what is everyone's opinion on when to hunt certain types of habitat? Do you hunt shelterbelts and thick roosting cover certain parts of the day? What about wheat stubble and other food sources? How about CRP? What is everyones favorite time of day to hunt them?

I love hitting heavy cover at first light. Seems to catch birds by surprise!

I think you have it figured out. Happy hunting!
heavy roosting cover at first light, food plots at mid morning, grass or lighter (lounging) cover around lunch, and food plots again before dark. thats always been the best pattern for me over the years.

of course that all goes out the window with big weather issues.
I just read a short article in the new issue of Pheasants Forever that really grabbed my attention about CRP. The article said, when hunting CRP land enter the property at different spots. Such as walk through a cut corn field or on the other side of a fence row to enter at a certain point where hunters usually dont enter. The thinking behind this is that as the season progresses hunters usually park and walk in at the same spot. The birds learn this and move. The birds also associate slamming car doors and talking with danger. Just a few tips to hopefully bag us a few more crafty roosters.