What's this?


Active member
Anybody know what this is? I am pretty sure I didn't plant it. It must have survived the tilling and the burn I did before I planted my shrubs. I hope it is desirable, because it seems to be growing great in spite of the tough conditions that have stunted or killed everything I have tried to plant.

The bark is shiny and smooth, and it looks like some branches have broken off making it "kind of" spiny by design. Thanks for your help.

I think you might be right. I was not expecting it to be an ornamental tree... I thought it would be some type of native plant. It looks like maybe the birds planted this one for me. Thanks for the info.

My wife tried to plant a pear tree in the front yard but it died this summer. Maybe I'll just swap out the dead one... Funny how things work out.:rolleyes:
looks like a place to start a quail covey headquarters! make it about 1500 sq. ft. surrounded by prairie grass.