What's the difference?


New member
So this person told me, you duck hunt and bird hunt. I said yep. He said those are two totally different kind of people. I said not I just hunt on land and water... haha
i was explaining to a buddy the other day that when you pheasant hunt you just dont sit and wait for them to come by like geese or deer lol
Actually 3 subsets of the same kind of person. One hunts both, one hunts only upland, one hunts only waterfowl. But basically the same person.
I would think the difference is more in the process than the person...as many folks appear to enjoy degrees of both.
One can though find the manipulation of the bird to be a greater part of one process than the other.
Which one is obvious.
But I would expect that a person interested in a greater level of detail and complexity may be drawn to waterfowling.
One interested in a simple search and discovery to Upland.
Dogs would be kin to both.
Very well told. Why are us and upland hunters not as publicly popluar. From pheasants in South Dakota to Grouse in the west with bobwhites in the south. People just think as hunters as deer or waterfowl mostly whys that.
Very well told. Why are us and upland hunters not as publicly popluar. From pheasants in South Dakota to Grouse in the west with bobwhites in the south. People just think as hunters as deer or waterfowl mostly whys that.

That's fine with me. Fewer upland hunters means more birds for me! My guess is that upland hunting isn't as "glamorous" as big game hunting. I do like waterfowl hunting too though.
That's fine with me. Fewer upland hunters means more birds for me! My guess is that upland hunting isn't as "glamorous" as big game hunting. I do like waterfowl hunting too though.

If by glamourous you mean offering more likelyhood to brag or compete at a barbershop then I agree...otherwise Upland, in the widest cast net, carries a tradition and glamour all it's own and second to none.
Plus, It ain't as boring as sitting in a tree over a bait pile or greenfield.
However, waterfowl is worth sitting in a blind for the sounds of wings alone.

It is interesting to look back to growing up in the late 70's and 80's.
Here in central Illinois most of what I remember when I think of hunting is pheasant and rabbit. There just were not many deer around in those days.
The first time I remember thinking I want to hunt when I get older was riding to the deer check station in '81 or '82 with my uncle who shot a small 8pt.
I do not remember of anyone waterfowl hunting in the central Illinois area where I grew up in those days.
Most people had beagles for rabbits or pointers for pheasants.
Not sure if the popularity of deer, turkey and waterfowling has gone up due to the internet, outfitters or just what.
I enjoy upland hunting because of the dog work.
I once had a person tell me that pheasant hunting with a dog was like cheating. This person is not a dog person and obviously has never hunted behind a good dog.

My Grandpa was an upland hunter through and through. He never could understand why I would get up so early to try and shoot ducks when I could sleep in and shoot upland birds at 8am or so. Then I could never figure out how Grandpa could not love both of them as I did.;)
Very well told. Why are us and upland hunters not as publicly popluar. From pheasants in South Dakota to Grouse in the west with bobwhites in the south. People just think as hunters as deer or waterfowl mostly whys that.

It's kind of like bass fishing. When I was a kid we fished for catfish and crappie. I would get the big Bass Pro catalog in the mail and look at all that bass gear. I remember asking my dad about bass fishing, thinking it seemed much cooler than catfishing. He then explained the difference between catfish and bass was bass would eat about anything, therefore the stores could sell a lot more things to bass fisherman. There just is not a lot of money to be made on hooks, sinkers, Zebco 33's, and worms. Same thing with ducks vs upland. A used 20 gauge pump, an orange hat, and a box of shells and your pheasant hunting. Not so with ducks. You "need" waders, 12 ga magnum, fancy shells, blinds, decoys, decoys, decoys, calls, waterproof clothing that is camo, plus so much more. It is only more popular because there is more money to be made off it.
Upland hunters have:

Fancy pretty guns, stylish wear, pretty boots. Seemingly hundreds of differnt kinds of dogs to hunt behind, that all hunt a little different.

Duck hunters have:

Dark beat up guns, waders, camo and face paint that I swear they wear to bed. They have 4 different dogs that all do teh exact same thing, Sit/ Stay/ Mark/ Fetch.


Just kidding of course, I used to love to hunt both. As of late I dont care about sitting in a croud and pass shooting birds that 20 guys have unloaded on, nor do I care for cleaning steel shot out of the bottom of my boat any more. :D
It's kind of like bass fishing. When I was a kid we fished for catfish and crappie. I would get the big Bass Pro catalog in the mail and look at all that bass gear. I remember asking my dad about bass fishing, thinking it seemed much cooler than catfishing. He then explained the difference between catfish and bass was bass would eat about anything, therefore the stores could sell a lot more things to bass fisherman. There just is not a lot of money to be made on hooks, sinkers, Zebco 33's, and worms. Same thing with ducks vs upland. A used 20 gauge pump, an orange hat, and a box of shells and your pheasant hunting. Not so with ducks. You "need" waders, 12 ga magnum, fancy shells, blinds, decoys, decoys, decoys, calls, waterproof clothing that is camo, plus so much more. It is only more popular because there is more money to be made off it.

I think you nailed it! Like just about everything you just need to follow the money. I'm just now trying to really get into duck hunting and your right, you NEED so much more gear. The toughest part I think is hiding all the receipts from your wife.