What's the buzz on the Bees?


I've been walking a good number of fields this spring/summer. Some with wild flowers, other with sections of sweat clover. I've noticed a lack in bees on both. Even sections of sweat clover which usually buzz with the wings of honey bees are null this year:confused:

I've see one section with a small handful all season. Wasps and bumble bees seem to be out in good number.

Anybody experiencing the same thing?
1pheas4. In February I saw a 1ton flat bed truck with SD plates on it while at work. I stopped and talk awhile with the guy about hunting and bird dogs until he said he had to get on the road to pick up a load of bee colonies (boxes). He said those bees were the closest ones he could find to replace all his colonies that had collapsed that year. I found it very odd. What's up with you alls bees out that way?
He said those bees were the closest ones he could find to replace all his colonies that had collapsed that year. I found it very odd. What's up with you alls bees out that way?

They dropped off in 2008 if I remember correctly. But from what I understand is they came back.

From what I've seen they are all but gone this year. At least that's the case within the areas I've been walking. Sounds like it may be the case in parts of SD too.:confused:
My Brother is a Bee keeper, last I heard it's been a good year so far. He has to try like all bee keepers to put hives in areas with the least spray. When the county and townships spray the road ditches it's devastating. He Winters some hives but most bees are replaced every Spring with bees from down South somewhere?
Wintering? Never thuoght of that as 20 deg is damn cold around here. Still I would have figured he could have found some bees closer to home.:confused:
They are thick up here.

I was working at my place this weekend and saw allot of bees around my sweet-clover. In general I was very happy with the overall number of bugs in my grasses. It looked very healthy and should be good for Pheasants.
It sounds as if this is a regional issue. I was thinking maybe it's the drought causing a decline in their #'s around here but, when they were down a few years back we had plenty of rain.:confused:
The hives my brother keeps over Winter are covered with a 1 inch fiber board. Bees are awake all Winter, on sunny and milder afternoons they crawl around eat and crap and stuff. There has to be enough honey left in the hive to keep the bees fed until Spring food is available. This honey left in the hives has more $$ value then the Bees themselves so most northern bee keepers just replace the bees in the Spring. Bees arrive by the pound? Workers and a queen, placed in a hive they will take up residence and multiply.
I'm not sure where bees are ordered from? Mexico, Texas? California could bee: cheers: