What if Phez Hunters were Mic'd up


New member
I think pheasant hunters should be mic'd up just like the NFL guys: What would your mic repeat? Would you be caught sailing cuss words after a bird or would it be the Tim Tebow approach and your version of smack talk be God Bless? And the famous Red Neck Words:eek:
The mic would likely melt . . .
My would play back alot of laughing and an occaissonal ''Where the hell...?"
I would be boring, just me sending the dog by name for a retrieve.:D

I get a kick out of those guy's that scream all the time, "ROOSTER", "ROOSTER", "HEN", "ROOSTER". Probably dosent like you using a whistle. That drives me nuts, and I useualy don't hunt twice with them. I have used and heard the ocasional f bomb though.:D
another good shot there Jim, man another double, not as nice as that triple I made yesterday though. Whoops, I guess I did not shoulder the gun right that time, oh well better next time. Yeh right, that da#n SOB ching bird, I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn ifin I were standing in it. Or something like that, how about a rerun of that last play there boys. :):)
A mic would be alright as long as no one had a wardrobe malfunction . . .
I think my dog would still the mic and turn around with the evil eye and ask me if I were some kinda of F****** rookie, or just give me the silent treatment and show me the bird!
As for me on the mic: oh s*** that's actually a rooster: oh yea and I can shoot at him. Then the occaisional line of I just educated that bird to fly faster with lead pumping behind his kevlar vest.