What a meanie

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I was looking through the new to the forum introductions and I could not believe my eyes:eek: Wildcat being WILD saying theres something wrong with me and blackcloud:mad: I think I'm scared for life and God only knows what it'll do to blackcloud:eek: It has to be the most vicous thing I've ever read on the internet so It has to be a violation of forum policy:D
It's time for the rest of us nice civil people to let wildcat have it. We can't let him get away with this. He's one of are leaders (a really mean one:D) he should know better.
Now, now Coot, remember, end your training of Wildcat and Blackcloud on a positive note. Give them something simple to do and praise them, then send them to their kennels.
Let us know how this works out for you :cool:
This ain't working worth a ####:mad: Looks like I'm going to have to boycott the Lounge forum and only give nice intellgent answers in the dog and habitat forums:) looks like I'm down to about two post a year:( Damn you Wildcat:mad::D
I'm sorry ol' Coot. I'll try again. :eek:
Play nice or it's the kennel for you!!! :mad:

How's that Capn' Coot? :cheers:
I don't think Wildcat is the culprit in this. I think Coot is crying Wolf again and yet......Bob
Mud hens - crying Wolf you guys make me SOOOOOO:mad:

Looks like Macstevej is the only one that see's wildcats evil ways and thinks he should STOP:D

I'm not smart enough to copy and paste stuff on a computer so I'll type what he said.
For the most part everyone on here is fantastic, just stay away from coot and Blackcloud. We haven't figured out whats wrong with them yet:eek:

He sounds like some of them nuns that use to teach me:D I got the last laugh on them. I turned out just fine:D
It's been cold and rainy here guys.
Wow... I come back from a few days away and read this, I can't believe it !!! :D I hope you boys know I was just giving you a hard time. :p You guys must have known I'd be away from my PC for a few days. :rolleyes:

I promise I'll stop, and maybe I'll even send a few ditch parrots down your way, since I see you've relocated to the Bahamas... :D :D :D

Edit: blackcloud27 is fine by me... he posted the awesome Decorah Eagles thread!
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Al-righty then... Do we now sing Kumbya?? :confused:
Or better yet, how about a BEER SUMMIT :cheers:
Since I'm gunna be the Beer Summit Moderator, I think Coot and Wild should buy my Guinness :D
Al-righty then... Do we now sing Kumbya?? :confused:
Or better yet, how about a BEER SUMMIT :cheers:
Since I'm gunna be the Beer Summit Moderator, I think Coot and Wild should buy my Guinness :D

I'm all for a beer summit! However, I think it's Coot's turn to buy.

Yes a beer summit but I think Blackcloud should buy:D
Obama needs more of them kind of summits. Could you imagen Polosie, Reid and Bonner all s###face on the white house lawn:eek::D Something intellgent might come out of them:)

LOL Roflol, Coot you think when their drunk they think better? That doesn't seem to be the case with my drinking buddies. :rolleyes: :cheers:
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