Weird Critter Question


Well-known member
Got in the SUV this a.m. to drive to work (I live and work in town) and noticed that two oat-honey energy bars that were on the front seat were gone as were about three unused facial tissues in tissue box. All that was left were bits of the oat bar wrappers and the empty tissue box. My windows were all the way up. When I got to work I noticed a squirrel in the parking area. Yesterday while at work I left my windows down a few inches to vent heat. Wonder if it was the squirrel. No signs of life in the car this a.m. Can see no rat poop in the car either. Two mornings ago a mousetrap in the garage had been tripped but nothing caught.

That's the evidence. What do you think?
If it's a squirrel or mouse check your wiring under your dash and in the engine bay. They like to chew on the sheathing. My neighbor just had to replace a wiring harness in his car (that doesn't get driven much) because squirrels got in the car and chewed the wiring up. It cost him a pretty penny to get it fixed.
Mice! They love to get in cars and trucks. My wife had a car she drove everyday and they found their way in. Set a trap on the seat and one on the passenger floor and caught I think four over the next couple of days. By the way this wasn't a rusted out car it was a suv volvo. They probably stored the kleenex for nesting and ate the food.
Mice! They love to get in cars and trucks. My wife had a car she drove everyday and they found their way in. Set a trap on the seat and one on the passenger floor and caught I think four over the next couple of days. By the way this wasn't a rusted out car it was a suv volvo. They probably stored the kleenex for nesting and ate the food.

I think you're right. Found the tissue shredded and stashed like a nest. Caught a field mouse or vole in a trap I set by the vehicle overnight. Will put traps inside the vehicle tonight.
After the big rains we had in Manhattan, we trapped several mice in the garage and walk-out basement over the last couple days. I think they all just got flooded out of their usual haunts and looked for high and dry ground.

Pretty typical after a big drenching rain like we had.