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Minnesota’s Duck Hunting Regulations (1861-1963)
These are taken from the "Waterfowl in Minnesota" Technical Bulletin #7 published in April 1964 by the then Minnesota Department of Conservation. This is the contents of appendix VII.
1861 - A law was enacted which provided a penalty for killing, caging, or trapping certain birds, "except aquatic fowl of every species". No season or bag limit was in effect at this time.
1862-1870 - No change
1871 It became unlawful to maliciously break up or destroy, take away. Or in any manner interfere with, any nest of several game species including the species of "wild duck, brant, or wild goose".
1872-1876 - No change.
1877 - A law made it illegal until after March 1, 1880 to sell or expose for sale, or have in possession or custody or under control any aquatic fowl except between September 1 and the succeeding May 15. Another law this same year made it unlawful to kill or pursue aquatic fowl from September 1 to May 15. This was the first time the waterfowl hunting season was restricted to specific dates in Minnesota.
1878-1884 - No change.
1885 - It became unlawful to kill or pursue any duck , geese, or swan or any other fowl at night by use of artificial light on any of the lakes, rivers, streams, or marshes of the state.
1886 - No change.
1887 - The season for hunting aquatic fowl was from September 15 to December 31 inclusive. Hunting or pursuing aquatic fowl on the waters of the state permitted only between the time of sunrise and sunset. The use of artificial light, decoy, battery, or deception was prohibited.
1888 - No change
1889 - The season for hunting aquatic fowl was set from August 22 to January 10 inclusive. Shooting is the only lawful way of killing game. Game(except alive) shall not be exported out of the state. The use of decoys became legal in "hunting ducks, wild geese, and brants".
1890 - No change
1891 - The hunting season on aquatic fowl was lengthened to the period from August 20 to April 25. A law was enacted relative to wanton destruction or wasting of game or fish. It provided that no more than 25 birds (all game species) shall be killed by any one gun in one day. The law further stated that game or fish taken in excess of immediate food uses is a misdemeanor.
1892 - No change
1893 - The season for hunting aquatic fowl was from September 1 to the following April 25, but ".. no person shall be permitted to kill any such aquatic fowl while nesting or in localities where they are accustomed to build their nests, during the nesting period". It became legal to use blinds in the hunting of ducks and geese.
1894 - No change
1895 - The season for hunting fowl was from September 1 to April 15. The law further states "no person shall at any time hunt or shoot from any boat, canoe, contrivance or device whatsoever on any waters of this state between dark and daylight".
1896-1898 - No change
1899 - The season for hunting ducks, geese, and brant was from September 1 to December 31, inclusive. Aquatic fowl could be sold during that period and for 10 days after the close of the season.
1900 - No change
1901 - The season for hunting waterfowl remained the same as in 1900 but the sale of waterfowl became unlawful, bringing an end to the era of market hunting in Minnesota.
1902 - No change
1903 - The season for hunting waterfowl was from September 1 to December 1. A 5 day possession period was allowed after the close of the season. The daily limit was 25 aquatic fowl and the wanton waste provision of 1891 was still in effect so that not over 25 birds, upland and aquatic could be taken in a day. A possession limit is mentioned for the first time, and it allowed possession of not over 100 aquatic fowl combined at any one time. By making application to the Board of Game and Fish Commissioners, a hunter might get permission to retain not over 100 ducks and geese for his own use after the close of the season. Stationary blinds were allowed in the hunting of ducks and geese. In 1903 it became unlawful to use dogs in the hunting or pursuing of certain game animals including waterfowl.
1904 - No change
1905 - The hunting season for aquatic fowl remained from September 1 to December 1. The daily limit for all kinds of aquatic fowl was 15 birds and the possession limit was 50 birds. A tag could be issued enabling a hunter to keep 50 aquatic fowl for his own use after the close of the season.
1906-1910 - No change
1911 - Season and bag limits remained the same, however, the law that prohibited the use of dogs in hunting was amended so that dogs could be used in waterfowl hunting.
1912 - No change
1913 - Season and bag limits remained the same, however, the taking of waterfowl was prohibited from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. In 1913 the Minnesota Legislature passed Joint Resolution No. 13 which urged Federal protection of migratory birds and resolved ". . .that Congress be and hereby is requested to enact a law giving ample protection to migratory game".
1914 - No change
1915 - The season for hunting waterfowl was from September 7 to December 1, except that the season for Wood Ducks was closed until September 7, 1918. Shooting hours were from sunrise to sunset. For the first time ducks were separated from other aquatic fowl in the bag and possession limits. For wild ducks, the daily limit was 15 and possession limit 45. For all aquatic fowl, including geese and coots, the daily limit was 10 and the possession limit 30. Waterfowl could be possessed for 5 days after the close of the season.
Other laws in 1915 prohibited the taking of aquatic fowl by means other than by use of a gun discharge from the shoulder. It also became unlawful to hunt or molest aquatic fowl other than "wild geese or brant" by use of a rifle. Another law prohibited hunting of aquatic fowl on open water.
1916 - No change
1917 - The season for hunting waterfowl was September 16 to December 1. The Wood Duck closure was extended to September 16, 1920. Possession, daily bag limits, and shooting hours remained the same as in 1915 except that daily limit on geese was reduced from 10 to 5. The 1915 law prohibiting hunting on open water was amended so that aquatic fowl could be pursued and killed on open water.
1918 - The Migratory Bird Treaty Act became law on July 3, 1918, placing the primary responsibility for the management of waterfowl with the Federal government. In November 1918 the Federal government issued a pamphlet stating "The Service and Regulatory Announcements". Each year since then the federal government has put out a similar pamphlet stating the waterfowl regulations for the country. The first announcement of federal regulations contained sections on numerous regulations including: shipment and transportation of migratory birds, permits to propagate and sell migratory waterfowl, permits to collect migratory birds for scientific purposes, and state laws for the protection of the latter.
With regard to state laws and hunting regulations the following statement is made:
"Nothing in these regulations shall be construed to permit the taking, possession, sale, purchase, or transportation of migratory birds, their nests, and eggs contrary to the laws and regulations of any State, Territory, or District made for the purpose of giving further protection to migratory birds, their nests, and eggs when such laws and regulations are not inconsistent with the convention between the United States and Great Britain for the protection of migratory concluded August 16, 1916 or the Migratory Bird treaty Act and do not extend the open seasons for such birds beyond the dates beyond the dates prescribed by these regulations".
The federal regulations of 1918 listed bag limits as follows: Ducks (except Wood Ducks) - 25 in the aggregate of all kinds. Season dates were from September 7 to December 1 as allowed by state law and the state bag limits of 15 daily and 45 in possession on ducks and not more than 5 daily and 30 in possession for wild geese were in effect. Shooting hours were still from sunrise to sunset.
1919 - The season was from September 16 to December 1, inclusive, and Wood Ducks remained protected. Shooting hours, sunrise to sunset. Daily limits were 15 wild ducks. Coots, Rails or Gallinules, Wilson or Jacksnipe, and Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, in the aggregate of all kinds and not to exceed 5 wild geese. The possession limit was 45 in the aggregate of which not more than 5 could be wild geese. The season dates were set by federal regulation in 1919. Federal regulations stated that a gun no larger than 10 gauge can be used to take waterfowl, and the aid of a dog and the use of decoys was allowed.
1920-1922 - No change
1923 - No change except a season limit of 135 ducks and shooting hours from one half hour before sunrise to sunset.
1924 - No change form 1923
1925 -The season remained from September 16 to December 1, inclusive, and Wood Ducks remained protected. Shooting hours continued from one half-hour befor sunrise to sunset. Not over 12 game birds (including waterfowl) were allowed in a day. The possession limit was 36 aquatic fowl of which no more than 5 could be wild geese. Not more than 120 ducks were allowed in any one season. State law limited to 6 the number of decoys which could be used at any one blind.
1926-1929 - No change
1930 - Season September 16 to December 31. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. Duck daily and possession limit; 12 and 30. Goose daily and possession limits, 4 and 5. Season limit for ducks 120. No season on Wood Duck.
1931 - Season October 1 to December 31. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset, with noon opening. Duck daily and possession limits, 12 and 30. Goose daily and possession limits, 4 and 5. Season limit for ducks 120. No season on Wood Duck.
1932 - Season October 1 to November 30. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset, with noon opener. Daily bag on ducks 12 with possession of 30. Daily limit not to exceed 12 of any one or 12 in aggregate of the following species; Mallard, Pintail, American Widgeon, Mergansers, and Coots; and not to exceed 10 of any of the following kinds or 10 in aggregate of: Scaup, Green-Winged Teal, Blue Winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Canvasback, Redhead, Ringneck, Shoveler, and Gadwall. The taking of Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, and Bufflehead prohibited. Goose dailyand possession limits 4 and 5 of all kinds. Season limit of ducks 120.
1933 - Season October 1 to November 30. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset with a noon opener. Duck daily and possession limits, 12 and 24; geese 4 and 5 of all species.
"A person may take in one day during the open season not to exceed 12 in aggregate of all kinds except Scaup, Green-Winged Teal, Blue Winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Canvasback, Redhead, Ringneck, Shoveler, and Gadwall, of which he may take 8 of anyone or aggregate in one during the open season; and may not have in his possession more than 16 in the aggregate of the aforesaid species".
Daily limits allowed not more than 15 migratory game birds of which not more than 12 may be a mixed bag of ducks and coots. No person shall have in possession more than 30 in the aggregate of all migratory game birds of which not more than 24 may be a mixed bag of ducks and coots. Season limit 120 ducks. No season on Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, and Bufflehead.
1934 - Season October 3 to November 11. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset with a noon opening. No hunting on Mondays and Thursdays of each week. Federal Duck Stamp required. No season on Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, and Bufflehead. Goose daily and possession limits 4 and 5. Daily duck bag not to exceed 12 in the aggregate of all kinds of ducks and coots, and the possession limit not to exceed 24 of all species, except Canvasback, Redhead, Scaup, Ringneck, Blue-Winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Shoveler, and Gadwall, of which one may not take more than 5 of any one or 5 in aggregate in any one day during the open season. Possession limited to not more than 10 in aggregate or 10 of any one of these species.
1935 - Season from October 21 to November 19. Shooting hours from 7am to 4pm, with a noon opening. Duck daily and possession limit 10, goose 4. No season for Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, and Bufflehead. Daily and possession limit of 10 is for all migratory game birds and includes 4 geese. Baiting and the use of live decoys were outlawed in 1935. Not over 15 game birds of all kinds may be taken by any one person in any one day.
1936 - Season October 10 to November 8. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with a noon opener. Daily and possession limit not over 10 migratory birds in aggregate of all kinds, of which not more than 4 can be geese. No season for Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, Bufflehead, Redhead, and Canvasback. Not over 15 birds of all kinds may be taken by any one person in any one day
1937 - Season October 9 to November 7. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with a morning opener. Daily limit of migratory birds 15 in aggregate of all kinds of which not more than 10 shall be ducks; 4 geese; 12 coots; 12 Jacksnipe; 12 Rails and Gallinules.
Possession limit of migratory birds, 30 in aggregate of which not more than 10 shall be ducks; 5 geese; 25 Coots; 15 Jacksnipe; 15 Rails and Gallinules. No season for Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, Bufflehead, Redhead, and Canvasback. Not over 15 game birds of all kinds may be taken by any one person in any one day.
1938 - Season October 1 to November 14. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with morning opener. Daily duck and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 4 and 5. Season limit of 120 ducks. No season on Wood Ducks. Combined migratory bird limits 15 daily, 30 possession. Only 3 of any one or 3 combined of Canvasback, Redhead, Bufflehead, or Ruddy Duck allowed in the daily bag; possession of 6. Not over 15 game birds of any kind may be taken by any one person in any one day.
1939 - Season October 1 to November 14. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with morning opener. Daily duck and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 4 and 8. Only 3 of any one or 3 combined of Canvasback, Redhead, Bufflehead, or Ruddy Duck allowed in the daily bag; possession of 6. Combined migratory bird limits 15 daily, 30 possession. Not over 15 game birds of any kind may be taken by any one person in any one day. No season on Wood Ducks.
1940 - Season October 1 to November 29. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with morning opener. Duck daily and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 3 and 6. Only 3 of any one or 3 combined of Canvasback, Redhead, Bufflehead, or Ruddy Duck allowed in the daily bag; possession of 6. Combined migratory bird limits 15 daily, 30 possession. No season on Wood Ducks. Not over 15 game birds of any kind may be taken by any one person in any one day.
1941 - Same as 1940 except no special restrictions on Ruddy Duck and Canvasback.
1942 - Season September 26 to December 4. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset with morning opening. Duck daily and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 2 and 4. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Only 3 of any one or three combined of Redhead and Bufflehead allowed in daily bag; possession 6. Four Blue Geese allowed in addition to the 2 geese of regular daily bag. Daily and possession limit of Blue Geese only is 6.
1943 - Season September 25 to December 3. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset with a morning opening. Bag and possession limits and protected species same as 1942.
1944 - Season September 20 to December 8. Shooting hours one-hour before sunrise to sunset with a morning opening. Duck daily and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 2 and 4. The daily limit on ducks is 15 is provided 5 are Mallards, Pintails, Widgeons. Duck possession limit is 30 provided 10 are of these three species. One Wood Duck allowed daily and possession limit. The daily bag limit on geese is 2, but not including Blue and Snow geese. In addition 4, singly or in aggregate of Blue and Snow Geese may be taken. The possession limit is 4 not including Blue or Snow Geese. In addition 8 Blue or Snow Geese, singly or in the aggregate are allowed.
1945 - Season September 20 to December 8. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset, starting in morning. Bag and possession limits on ducks 10 and 20; geese 2 and 2. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Red-breasted and Common Merganser, 25 daily singly or in aggregate with no possession limit. Four Blue and Snow geese plus 2 of some other kind may be taken in a day and 8 Blues and Snows plus 4 of other kind may be possessed.
1946 - Season October 5 to November 18. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour before sunset, starting in morning. Bag and possession limits on ducks 7 and 14; geese 2 and 4. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Red-breasted and Common Merganser, 25 daily singly or in aggregate with no possession limit. Two Snow or 2 Blue Geese, singly or combined allowed in daily or possession limit in addition to 2 of some other kind.
1947 - Season October 7 to November 5. Shooting hours sunrise to one hour before sunset starting at noon on opening day. Duck bag and possession limits 4 and 8; geese 4 and 4. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Limits on Red-breasted and Common Merganser unchanged. The goose limit may include 1 Canada Goose or 1 White-fronted goose.
1948 - Season October 8 to November 6. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to one hour before sunset starting at noon. Duck bag and possession limits 4 and 8; geese 4 and 4. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Red-breasted and Common Merganser, 25 daily singly or in aggregate with no possession limit. The goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted goose or 1 of each. Management by Flyways was commenced in 1948.
1949 - Season October 7 to November 6. Otherwise no change from 1948.
1950 - Season October 6 to November 9. Otherwise no change from 1948.
1951 - Season October 5 to November 18. Otherwise no change from 1948 except goose daily and possession limit 5 and 5.
1952 - Season October 1 to November 24. Otherwise same as 1951.
1953 - Season October 3 to November 26. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset starting at noon. Duck bag and possession limits 4 and 8; geese 5 and 5. Red-breasted and Common Mergansers, 25 daily and 25 possession. Daily and possession limit may include 1 Wood Duck and 1 Hooded Merganser. Goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.
1954 - Season October 2 to November 25. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour before sunset starting at noon. Duck bag and possession limits 4 and 8; geese 5 and 5. Red-breasted and/or Common Mergansers, 4 daily, 8 possession which must be included in limit with other ducks. Season on Wood Duck closed and only 1 Hooded Merganser allowed in daily and possession limit. Goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.
1955 - Season October 8 to December 16. Otherwise no change from 1954.
1956 - Season October 6 to November 29. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset starting at noon. Daily and possession limit for ducks 5 and 10; geese 5 and 5. Red-breasted and/or Common Merganser 5 daily, 10 possession, which must be included in limit with other ducks. Season on Wood Duck closed and only 1 Hooded Merganser allowed in daily and possession limit. Goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.
1957 - Season October 5 to December 13. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset starting at noon. Daily and possession limit for ducks 4 and 8; geese 5 and 5. Goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each. Red-breasted and/or Common Merganser 5 daily, 10 possession, which must be included in limit with other ducks. Season on Wood Duck closed and only 1 Hooded Merganser allowed in daily and possession limit.
1958 - Season October 4 to December 12, otherwise same as 1957, except the daily limit to include in aggregate not more than 2 Canvasbacks and Redheads; possession of these species 4.
1959 - Season on ducks October 7 to November 25. Season on geese October 7 to December 15. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset with noon opening. Daily and possession limits of ducks 3 and 6; geese 5 and 5. Red-breasted and/or Common Merganser 5 daily, 10 possession which may be taken in addition to limits on other ducks. Goose limits may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each. Daily bag and possession limit may include not more than 1 Canvasback, or 1 Redhead, or 1 Ruddy Duck, or 1 Wood Duck and may also include not more than 1 Hooded Merganser.
1960 - Season on ducks and geese October 7 to November 25. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset with a noon opening. Daily and possession limits of ducks 4 and 8; geese 5 and 5. No season on Redhead and Canvasback. One Wood Duck and 1 Hooded Merganser allowed in daily and possession limit. Red-breasted and/or Common Merganser 5 daily, 10 possession. Goose limits may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.
1961 - Season on ducks October 14 to November 12; gees October 1 to November 29. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset except noon on October 1 and October 14. Daily and possession limits of ducks 2 and 4; otherwise same as 1960.
1962 - Season on ducks October 13 to November 6; geese October 6 to December 4. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset except noon on October 6 and October 13. Daily and possession limits of ducks 2 and 4; geese 5 and 5. Daily limit may include only1 Mallard or Black Duck and only 2 Mallards or Black Ducks allowed in possession limit. American and Common Mergansers 5 daily, 10 possession. Daily and possession limit may include 2 Wood Ducks and 1 Hooded Merganser. Two additional Scaup ducks allowed in daily limit and 4 in possession limit during period October 20 to November 6, inclusive. Closed season for Canvasbacks and Redheads. Not more than 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each allowed.
1963 - Season on ducks October 5 to November 8; geese October 5 to December 13. Daily and possession limits of ducks 3 and 6; for geese 5 and 5;for American and Red-breasted Merganser 5 and 10. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset with noon opening. Two Mallards or Black Ducks allowed in daily bag; possession 4. Two Wood Ducks allowed in daily and possession limit. Hooded Mergansers 1 daily, 2 possession. Closed season for Canvasbacks and Redheads. Goose limit to include not more than 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.
These are taken from the "Waterfowl in Minnesota" Technical Bulletin #7 published in April 1964 by the then Minnesota Department of Conservation. This is the contents of appendix VII.
1861 - A law was enacted which provided a penalty for killing, caging, or trapping certain birds, "except aquatic fowl of every species". No season or bag limit was in effect at this time.
1862-1870 - No change
1871 It became unlawful to maliciously break up or destroy, take away. Or in any manner interfere with, any nest of several game species including the species of "wild duck, brant, or wild goose".
1872-1876 - No change.
1877 - A law made it illegal until after March 1, 1880 to sell or expose for sale, or have in possession or custody or under control any aquatic fowl except between September 1 and the succeeding May 15. Another law this same year made it unlawful to kill or pursue aquatic fowl from September 1 to May 15. This was the first time the waterfowl hunting season was restricted to specific dates in Minnesota.
1878-1884 - No change.
1885 - It became unlawful to kill or pursue any duck , geese, or swan or any other fowl at night by use of artificial light on any of the lakes, rivers, streams, or marshes of the state.
1886 - No change.
1887 - The season for hunting aquatic fowl was from September 15 to December 31 inclusive. Hunting or pursuing aquatic fowl on the waters of the state permitted only between the time of sunrise and sunset. The use of artificial light, decoy, battery, or deception was prohibited.
1888 - No change
1889 - The season for hunting aquatic fowl was set from August 22 to January 10 inclusive. Shooting is the only lawful way of killing game. Game(except alive) shall not be exported out of the state. The use of decoys became legal in "hunting ducks, wild geese, and brants".
1890 - No change
1891 - The hunting season on aquatic fowl was lengthened to the period from August 20 to April 25. A law was enacted relative to wanton destruction or wasting of game or fish. It provided that no more than 25 birds (all game species) shall be killed by any one gun in one day. The law further stated that game or fish taken in excess of immediate food uses is a misdemeanor.
1892 - No change
1893 - The season for hunting aquatic fowl was from September 1 to the following April 25, but ".. no person shall be permitted to kill any such aquatic fowl while nesting or in localities where they are accustomed to build their nests, during the nesting period". It became legal to use blinds in the hunting of ducks and geese.
1894 - No change
1895 - The season for hunting fowl was from September 1 to April 15. The law further states "no person shall at any time hunt or shoot from any boat, canoe, contrivance or device whatsoever on any waters of this state between dark and daylight".
1896-1898 - No change
1899 - The season for hunting ducks, geese, and brant was from September 1 to December 31, inclusive. Aquatic fowl could be sold during that period and for 10 days after the close of the season.
1900 - No change
1901 - The season for hunting waterfowl remained the same as in 1900 but the sale of waterfowl became unlawful, bringing an end to the era of market hunting in Minnesota.
1902 - No change
1903 - The season for hunting waterfowl was from September 1 to December 1. A 5 day possession period was allowed after the close of the season. The daily limit was 25 aquatic fowl and the wanton waste provision of 1891 was still in effect so that not over 25 birds, upland and aquatic could be taken in a day. A possession limit is mentioned for the first time, and it allowed possession of not over 100 aquatic fowl combined at any one time. By making application to the Board of Game and Fish Commissioners, a hunter might get permission to retain not over 100 ducks and geese for his own use after the close of the season. Stationary blinds were allowed in the hunting of ducks and geese. In 1903 it became unlawful to use dogs in the hunting or pursuing of certain game animals including waterfowl.
1904 - No change
1905 - The hunting season for aquatic fowl remained from September 1 to December 1. The daily limit for all kinds of aquatic fowl was 15 birds and the possession limit was 50 birds. A tag could be issued enabling a hunter to keep 50 aquatic fowl for his own use after the close of the season.
1906-1910 - No change
1911 - Season and bag limits remained the same, however, the law that prohibited the use of dogs in hunting was amended so that dogs could be used in waterfowl hunting.
1912 - No change
1913 - Season and bag limits remained the same, however, the taking of waterfowl was prohibited from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. In 1913 the Minnesota Legislature passed Joint Resolution No. 13 which urged Federal protection of migratory birds and resolved ". . .that Congress be and hereby is requested to enact a law giving ample protection to migratory game".
1914 - No change
1915 - The season for hunting waterfowl was from September 7 to December 1, except that the season for Wood Ducks was closed until September 7, 1918. Shooting hours were from sunrise to sunset. For the first time ducks were separated from other aquatic fowl in the bag and possession limits. For wild ducks, the daily limit was 15 and possession limit 45. For all aquatic fowl, including geese and coots, the daily limit was 10 and the possession limit 30. Waterfowl could be possessed for 5 days after the close of the season.
Other laws in 1915 prohibited the taking of aquatic fowl by means other than by use of a gun discharge from the shoulder. It also became unlawful to hunt or molest aquatic fowl other than "wild geese or brant" by use of a rifle. Another law prohibited hunting of aquatic fowl on open water.
1916 - No change
1917 - The season for hunting waterfowl was September 16 to December 1. The Wood Duck closure was extended to September 16, 1920. Possession, daily bag limits, and shooting hours remained the same as in 1915 except that daily limit on geese was reduced from 10 to 5. The 1915 law prohibiting hunting on open water was amended so that aquatic fowl could be pursued and killed on open water.
1918 - The Migratory Bird Treaty Act became law on July 3, 1918, placing the primary responsibility for the management of waterfowl with the Federal government. In November 1918 the Federal government issued a pamphlet stating "The Service and Regulatory Announcements". Each year since then the federal government has put out a similar pamphlet stating the waterfowl regulations for the country. The first announcement of federal regulations contained sections on numerous regulations including: shipment and transportation of migratory birds, permits to propagate and sell migratory waterfowl, permits to collect migratory birds for scientific purposes, and state laws for the protection of the latter.
With regard to state laws and hunting regulations the following statement is made:
"Nothing in these regulations shall be construed to permit the taking, possession, sale, purchase, or transportation of migratory birds, their nests, and eggs contrary to the laws and regulations of any State, Territory, or District made for the purpose of giving further protection to migratory birds, their nests, and eggs when such laws and regulations are not inconsistent with the convention between the United States and Great Britain for the protection of migratory concluded August 16, 1916 or the Migratory Bird treaty Act and do not extend the open seasons for such birds beyond the dates beyond the dates prescribed by these regulations".
The federal regulations of 1918 listed bag limits as follows: Ducks (except Wood Ducks) - 25 in the aggregate of all kinds. Season dates were from September 7 to December 1 as allowed by state law and the state bag limits of 15 daily and 45 in possession on ducks and not more than 5 daily and 30 in possession for wild geese were in effect. Shooting hours were still from sunrise to sunset.
1919 - The season was from September 16 to December 1, inclusive, and Wood Ducks remained protected. Shooting hours, sunrise to sunset. Daily limits were 15 wild ducks. Coots, Rails or Gallinules, Wilson or Jacksnipe, and Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, in the aggregate of all kinds and not to exceed 5 wild geese. The possession limit was 45 in the aggregate of which not more than 5 could be wild geese. The season dates were set by federal regulation in 1919. Federal regulations stated that a gun no larger than 10 gauge can be used to take waterfowl, and the aid of a dog and the use of decoys was allowed.
1920-1922 - No change
1923 - No change except a season limit of 135 ducks and shooting hours from one half hour before sunrise to sunset.
1924 - No change form 1923
1925 -The season remained from September 16 to December 1, inclusive, and Wood Ducks remained protected. Shooting hours continued from one half-hour befor sunrise to sunset. Not over 12 game birds (including waterfowl) were allowed in a day. The possession limit was 36 aquatic fowl of which no more than 5 could be wild geese. Not more than 120 ducks were allowed in any one season. State law limited to 6 the number of decoys which could be used at any one blind.
1926-1929 - No change
1930 - Season September 16 to December 31. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. Duck daily and possession limit; 12 and 30. Goose daily and possession limits, 4 and 5. Season limit for ducks 120. No season on Wood Duck.
1931 - Season October 1 to December 31. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset, with noon opening. Duck daily and possession limits, 12 and 30. Goose daily and possession limits, 4 and 5. Season limit for ducks 120. No season on Wood Duck.
1932 - Season October 1 to November 30. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset, with noon opener. Daily bag on ducks 12 with possession of 30. Daily limit not to exceed 12 of any one or 12 in aggregate of the following species; Mallard, Pintail, American Widgeon, Mergansers, and Coots; and not to exceed 10 of any of the following kinds or 10 in aggregate of: Scaup, Green-Winged Teal, Blue Winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Canvasback, Redhead, Ringneck, Shoveler, and Gadwall. The taking of Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, and Bufflehead prohibited. Goose dailyand possession limits 4 and 5 of all kinds. Season limit of ducks 120.
1933 - Season October 1 to November 30. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset with a noon opener. Duck daily and possession limits, 12 and 24; geese 4 and 5 of all species.
"A person may take in one day during the open season not to exceed 12 in aggregate of all kinds except Scaup, Green-Winged Teal, Blue Winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Canvasback, Redhead, Ringneck, Shoveler, and Gadwall, of which he may take 8 of anyone or aggregate in one during the open season; and may not have in his possession more than 16 in the aggregate of the aforesaid species".
Daily limits allowed not more than 15 migratory game birds of which not more than 12 may be a mixed bag of ducks and coots. No person shall have in possession more than 30 in the aggregate of all migratory game birds of which not more than 24 may be a mixed bag of ducks and coots. Season limit 120 ducks. No season on Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, and Bufflehead.
1934 - Season October 3 to November 11. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset with a noon opening. No hunting on Mondays and Thursdays of each week. Federal Duck Stamp required. No season on Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, and Bufflehead. Goose daily and possession limits 4 and 5. Daily duck bag not to exceed 12 in the aggregate of all kinds of ducks and coots, and the possession limit not to exceed 24 of all species, except Canvasback, Redhead, Scaup, Ringneck, Blue-Winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Shoveler, and Gadwall, of which one may not take more than 5 of any one or 5 in aggregate in any one day during the open season. Possession limited to not more than 10 in aggregate or 10 of any one of these species.
1935 - Season from October 21 to November 19. Shooting hours from 7am to 4pm, with a noon opening. Duck daily and possession limit 10, goose 4. No season for Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, and Bufflehead. Daily and possession limit of 10 is for all migratory game birds and includes 4 geese. Baiting and the use of live decoys were outlawed in 1935. Not over 15 game birds of all kinds may be taken by any one person in any one day.
1936 - Season October 10 to November 8. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with a noon opener. Daily and possession limit not over 10 migratory birds in aggregate of all kinds, of which not more than 4 can be geese. No season for Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, Bufflehead, Redhead, and Canvasback. Not over 15 birds of all kinds may be taken by any one person in any one day
1937 - Season October 9 to November 7. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with a morning opener. Daily limit of migratory birds 15 in aggregate of all kinds of which not more than 10 shall be ducks; 4 geese; 12 coots; 12 Jacksnipe; 12 Rails and Gallinules.
Possession limit of migratory birds, 30 in aggregate of which not more than 10 shall be ducks; 5 geese; 25 Coots; 15 Jacksnipe; 15 Rails and Gallinules. No season for Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, Bufflehead, Redhead, and Canvasback. Not over 15 game birds of all kinds may be taken by any one person in any one day.
1938 - Season October 1 to November 14. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with morning opener. Daily duck and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 4 and 5. Season limit of 120 ducks. No season on Wood Ducks. Combined migratory bird limits 15 daily, 30 possession. Only 3 of any one or 3 combined of Canvasback, Redhead, Bufflehead, or Ruddy Duck allowed in the daily bag; possession of 6. Not over 15 game birds of any kind may be taken by any one person in any one day.
1939 - Season October 1 to November 14. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with morning opener. Daily duck and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 4 and 8. Only 3 of any one or 3 combined of Canvasback, Redhead, Bufflehead, or Ruddy Duck allowed in the daily bag; possession of 6. Combined migratory bird limits 15 daily, 30 possession. Not over 15 game birds of any kind may be taken by any one person in any one day. No season on Wood Ducks.
1940 - Season October 1 to November 29. Shooting hours 7am to 4pm with morning opener. Duck daily and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 3 and 6. Only 3 of any one or 3 combined of Canvasback, Redhead, Bufflehead, or Ruddy Duck allowed in the daily bag; possession of 6. Combined migratory bird limits 15 daily, 30 possession. No season on Wood Ducks. Not over 15 game birds of any kind may be taken by any one person in any one day.
1941 - Same as 1940 except no special restrictions on Ruddy Duck and Canvasback.
1942 - Season September 26 to December 4. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset with morning opening. Duck daily and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 2 and 4. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Only 3 of any one or three combined of Redhead and Bufflehead allowed in daily bag; possession 6. Four Blue Geese allowed in addition to the 2 geese of regular daily bag. Daily and possession limit of Blue Geese only is 6.
1943 - Season September 25 to December 3. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset with a morning opening. Bag and possession limits and protected species same as 1942.
1944 - Season September 20 to December 8. Shooting hours one-hour before sunrise to sunset with a morning opening. Duck daily and possession limit 10 and 20; goose 2 and 4. The daily limit on ducks is 15 is provided 5 are Mallards, Pintails, Widgeons. Duck possession limit is 30 provided 10 are of these three species. One Wood Duck allowed daily and possession limit. The daily bag limit on geese is 2, but not including Blue and Snow geese. In addition 4, singly or in aggregate of Blue and Snow Geese may be taken. The possession limit is 4 not including Blue or Snow Geese. In addition 8 Blue or Snow Geese, singly or in the aggregate are allowed.
1945 - Season September 20 to December 8. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset, starting in morning. Bag and possession limits on ducks 10 and 20; geese 2 and 2. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Red-breasted and Common Merganser, 25 daily singly or in aggregate with no possession limit. Four Blue and Snow geese plus 2 of some other kind may be taken in a day and 8 Blues and Snows plus 4 of other kind may be possessed.
1946 - Season October 5 to November 18. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour before sunset, starting in morning. Bag and possession limits on ducks 7 and 14; geese 2 and 4. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Red-breasted and Common Merganser, 25 daily singly or in aggregate with no possession limit. Two Snow or 2 Blue Geese, singly or combined allowed in daily or possession limit in addition to 2 of some other kind.
1947 - Season October 7 to November 5. Shooting hours sunrise to one hour before sunset starting at noon on opening day. Duck bag and possession limits 4 and 8; geese 4 and 4. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Limits on Red-breasted and Common Merganser unchanged. The goose limit may include 1 Canada Goose or 1 White-fronted goose.
1948 - Season October 8 to November 6. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to one hour before sunset starting at noon. Duck bag and possession limits 4 and 8; geese 4 and 4. One Wood Duck allowed in daily and possession limit. Red-breasted and Common Merganser, 25 daily singly or in aggregate with no possession limit. The goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted goose or 1 of each. Management by Flyways was commenced in 1948.
1949 - Season October 7 to November 6. Otherwise no change from 1948.
1950 - Season October 6 to November 9. Otherwise no change from 1948.
1951 - Season October 5 to November 18. Otherwise no change from 1948 except goose daily and possession limit 5 and 5.
1952 - Season October 1 to November 24. Otherwise same as 1951.
1953 - Season October 3 to November 26. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset starting at noon. Duck bag and possession limits 4 and 8; geese 5 and 5. Red-breasted and Common Mergansers, 25 daily and 25 possession. Daily and possession limit may include 1 Wood Duck and 1 Hooded Merganser. Goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.
1954 - Season October 2 to November 25. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour before sunset starting at noon. Duck bag and possession limits 4 and 8; geese 5 and 5. Red-breasted and/or Common Mergansers, 4 daily, 8 possession which must be included in limit with other ducks. Season on Wood Duck closed and only 1 Hooded Merganser allowed in daily and possession limit. Goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.
1955 - Season October 8 to December 16. Otherwise no change from 1954.
1956 - Season October 6 to November 29. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset starting at noon. Daily and possession limit for ducks 5 and 10; geese 5 and 5. Red-breasted and/or Common Merganser 5 daily, 10 possession, which must be included in limit with other ducks. Season on Wood Duck closed and only 1 Hooded Merganser allowed in daily and possession limit. Goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.
1957 - Season October 5 to December 13. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset starting at noon. Daily and possession limit for ducks 4 and 8; geese 5 and 5. Goose limit may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each. Red-breasted and/or Common Merganser 5 daily, 10 possession, which must be included in limit with other ducks. Season on Wood Duck closed and only 1 Hooded Merganser allowed in daily and possession limit.
1958 - Season October 4 to December 12, otherwise same as 1957, except the daily limit to include in aggregate not more than 2 Canvasbacks and Redheads; possession of these species 4.
1959 - Season on ducks October 7 to November 25. Season on geese October 7 to December 15. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset with noon opening. Daily and possession limits of ducks 3 and 6; geese 5 and 5. Red-breasted and/or Common Merganser 5 daily, 10 possession which may be taken in addition to limits on other ducks. Goose limits may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each. Daily bag and possession limit may include not more than 1 Canvasback, or 1 Redhead, or 1 Ruddy Duck, or 1 Wood Duck and may also include not more than 1 Hooded Merganser.
1960 - Season on ducks and geese October 7 to November 25. Shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset with a noon opening. Daily and possession limits of ducks 4 and 8; geese 5 and 5. No season on Redhead and Canvasback. One Wood Duck and 1 Hooded Merganser allowed in daily and possession limit. Red-breasted and/or Common Merganser 5 daily, 10 possession. Goose limits may include 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.
1961 - Season on ducks October 14 to November 12; gees October 1 to November 29. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset except noon on October 1 and October 14. Daily and possession limits of ducks 2 and 4; otherwise same as 1960.
1962 - Season on ducks October 13 to November 6; geese October 6 to December 4. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset except noon on October 6 and October 13. Daily and possession limits of ducks 2 and 4; geese 5 and 5. Daily limit may include only1 Mallard or Black Duck and only 2 Mallards or Black Ducks allowed in possession limit. American and Common Mergansers 5 daily, 10 possession. Daily and possession limit may include 2 Wood Ducks and 1 Hooded Merganser. Two additional Scaup ducks allowed in daily limit and 4 in possession limit during period October 20 to November 6, inclusive. Closed season for Canvasbacks and Redheads. Not more than 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each allowed.
1963 - Season on ducks October 5 to November 8; geese October 5 to December 13. Daily and possession limits of ducks 3 and 6; for geese 5 and 5;for American and Red-breasted Merganser 5 and 10. Shooting hours sunrise to sunset with noon opening. Two Mallards or Black Ducks allowed in daily bag; possession 4. Two Wood Ducks allowed in daily and possession limit. Hooded Mergansers 1 daily, 2 possession. Closed season for Canvasbacks and Redheads. Goose limit to include not more than 2 Canada Geese or 2 White-fronted geese, or 1 of each.