Dog Training
Hey Brit Chaser i would love to hear what you have learned and what books you found helpful! Thanks!
The basic voice field command is "whoa" to stop the dog and get it to look at you. At long distance, a short whistle blast can substitute for "Whoa!" Of course, you want your dog to come to "come" or "here."
I trained my two to hand signals - the arm extended fully out to the side or straight up for "come/move toward me." I use hand signals daily around the house and yard. For the field, train with a check lead. With the dog out at the end of the check lead, turn the dog by pulling on the lead and extending your arm in the direction you want the dog to go and begin walking that direction. Then repeat in the other direction. Don't over do it. If needed, whistle to get the dog to look at you when you turn it. The check lead also acquaints the dog with range.
For retrieving, simply say "Fetch" with a dummy or ball and say the same thing in the field if need be. Keep it simple with as few commands and syllables as possible. Again , don't overdo the training.
My dog always wears a shock collar in the field. I seldom have to use it, but it is very effective in breaking the dog from chasing unshot birds, rabbits, deer, etc., and getting the dog to otherwise respond to ignored commands such as whoa and come and signals. Remember, you must first train the dog to the commands before punishing it for failing to respond to commands.
Good luck and have a great season.