Update: Dog sits when pointing


Well she's no loger sitting when going on point the only issue now is she is pointing every thing she sees. Rabbits, Dove, Sparrows and esp. Butterflies. She cought a butterfly last night on our walk and you could almost see her head swell up with pride. She thought she was the greatest hunting dog of all time. If I ever need to shoot butterflies for food I've got the dog!
Yeah, she's getting it.

Puppies is puppies is young dogs with small brains is adolescent dogs with great joy is young adults with all muscles is suddenly a MOMENT, when all the stuff just isn't important when that wonderful scent and movement and hunt clicks in, and all that other stuff fades...and the dog of your life becomes your partner.

Fun, isn't it? gonna be better and better.

Best wishes.
Everything is quite normal. Come hunting season, she will get it down to fine art.
Sounds great!!! I would not encourage her to sight point (i.e. anything that moves) but I certainly would not correct her. Her life should be all about what Delmar Smith calls "Happy Times", right now. Focus on building positive associations with you and with birds and hunting. I believe you can always "rein in" a bold dog but you can't "bold up" a timid one. My goal for year one is a dog that has no fears, lives to go hunting and a dog that is convinced they are the greatest bird dog on God's green earth.