turkey time

only 4 more hours then its time to get up and chase turkeys:) how has everyone been doing this season.? iowa season opens tommorow for the adults. thunderstorms in the forecast. at least its not snow
my youngest killed his first turkey 4" beard 1/2" spurs and 16# one of my older boys killed one 9" beard 1" spurs and 20# and finally my dad killed one 9" beard 1" spurs 21# as for me i'm getting really good at calling them up behind me and i get to listen to them spit and drum behind me for about 10 minutes ,so hopefully i can get one in front of me sometime soon.
Wow what a wet opening day of turkey season. got to our setup an hour before legal light and 5 minutes later the lightning started off in the distance. turkeys shock gobbled to the thunder and we were close:thumbsup: then the lightning got closer. 2 seconds after the flash it rumbled:eek: decided it was safer in the valley than walking over the hill so we stayed put. a first light birds flew the wrong way. sat for 2 hours in heavy rain and got soaked to the bone. ended up going into town and dried all our hunting clothes at the local laundramat. saw lots of birds in the open fields. finally called 6 hens away from a tom and he followed them right to me. he only weighed 18# but he had a 10 1/2 inch beard and 7/8 inch spurs. he came in strutting the last 100 yards what a sight. shot him at 2 in the afternoon. rained ALL day:mad: must have rocks in my head to put up with this much rain to bag a bird. have never seen the woods this green this early flowers are even blooming already. most years there is still some snow in the woods. heard lots of roosters also this morning all we need now is a good hatch for this fall:thumbsup:
my youngest killed his first turkey 4" beard 1/2" spurs and 16# one of my older boys killed one 9" beard 1" spurs and 20# and finally my dad killed one 9" beard 1" spurs 21# as for me i'm getting really good at calling them up behind me and i get to listen to them spit and drum behind me for about 10 minutes ,so hopefully i can get one in front of me sometime soon.

congratulations on your boys first turkey. same thing happens to me a lot .turkeys 10 yards behind me. sounds like we need to learn how to shot over our shoulders with a mirror:p