Tuesday was a Good Day! Until the end!


After hitting multiple WIA Tuesday I finally found a good population of birds. the first flush was 15 birds mostly hens and a few roosters in which I downed my first bird of the year and first wild pheasant. About 20 minutes after that we found another group of 8 birds and they came up into the sun so I couldn't tell roosters from hens. That pattern continued for the next two hours until dark with me not getting any other shots. The bad part of the day happened on the walk back to the truck when my dog went through a barb wire fence and cut her leg requiring staples and the vet said no hunting for 3 to 4 weeks. So my planned hunt Friday and Saturday is on hold since without a dog I don't think I would have been able to find these birds.
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Congrats on your first wild bird and sorry to hear of your dogs injuries. Hope your dog makes a speedy recovery...
Well needless to say Ella is not a happy pup. She has to wear the cone for two weeks and has 8 staples in her thigh. Vet says he should be able to go again as soon as the staples are out maybe as soon as two weeks.
Congratulations on your first bird. Sounds like you found a good field. My lab cut her stomach on the opening weekend of the Nebraska season. She had 10 stitches and also had to wear the dreaded cone. After two weeks she was healed up and good to go. Good luck after your dog heals!
After hitting multiple WIA Tuesday I finally found a good population of birds. the first flush was 15 birds mostly hens and a few roosters in which I downed my first bird of the year and first wild pheasant. About 20 minutes after that we found another group of 8 birds and they came up into the sun so I couldn't tell roosters from hens. That pattern continued for the next two hours until dark with me not getting any other shots. The bad part of the day happened on the walk back to the truck when my dog went through a barb wire fence and cut her leg requiring staples and the vet said no hunting for 3 to 4 weeks. So my planned hunt Friday and Saturday is on hold since without a dog I don't think I would have been able to find these birds.

Congrats on your first wild rooster! Well done. Echo cut her leg on barbed wire as well. I treated it when we arrived home as I did not notice the cut in the field. I am using a chest guard on her all of the time. I need to work with her on barbed wire fences in the off season. She must learn to get under the lowest wire. Soon, I am going to ask the forum members on how they train their dogs to navigate these obstacles.
After hitting multiple WIA Tuesday I finally found a good population of birds. the first flush was 15 birds mostly hens and a few roosters in which I downed my first bird of the year and first wild pheasant. About 20 minutes after that we found another group of 8 birds and they came up into the sun so I couldn't tell roosters from hens. That pattern continued for the next two hours until dark with me not getting any other shots. The bad part of the day happened on the walk back to the truck when my dog went through a barb wire fence and cut her leg requiring staples and the vet said no hunting for 3 to 4 weeks. So my planned hunt Friday and Saturday is on hold since without a dog I don't think I would have been able to find these birds.

Sorry to hear about your dog. I would still head out if I where you, I hunt solo and with out a dog and have very good luck. While a dog makes it easier you certainly do not have to have one to be successful.
Ok I cant not go out so I am heading out to the same area on Friday and Saturday and I am trying to get one of my buddies up here in Woodland Park to go with but if they cant I am still going. I NEED TO HUNT!:)

That's the spirit! I am heading out, alone, tomorrow, also. Supposed to be 60*, so I will walk wheat stubble, to see if they are loafing in there, instead of grass. I will be hunting Monday (28* high forecast), so I will save the grass for then.

Good luck!
I have not seen a single bird in the wheat stubble all season. The only places I have seen any birds are where Native Grass is close to cut corn. And it seems that the farther east I go I see more birds.
I have seen them, and taken them, in wheat stubble, this year and in years past. It just depends on the area. Much of my wheat stubble borders corn fields, so it offers more cover for them than the corn does.

Have seen hawks fly over stubble, too, and flush pheasant from the stubble fields.