Trapping help

Again with the massive brain power on here I know I'll get some good tips on how to be a better trapper:) What traps are best for coon posum stuff like that? What bait works? Where to set them? In the yard I use a live trap and bait it with marshmallows coon love em so do I:) Never trapped anything out of the yard until this year at the river caught some possum and shunk on pheasant wings and marshmallows. Been using conobear traps, snares. Thanks for the help Guys:)
Have you seen the cubby hole traps for coon? Has a metal cylinder withthe trap contained within, coon reaches for the bait catches them with the whole leg inthe cylinder up to the shoulder. Used to build wooden cubbies as a kid, worked great, and target specific. In those days main coon trap was a # 11/2 coil underspring, a little light for a bruiser, toyed with trap size up to #4. Trying to decide between trapping and taking up with a pack of coon hounds myself. What are you seeing fur price wise? Country buyer quotes on coon are higher here, except for southern types, washed out color, and rubbed sows. $8.00- 35.00 for a really large northern heavy male.
I have the bomb for you coot. I will take photos for you. Best set created by man kind for coon, cats, skunks, and Barak opossum. Gota dig one out I havent use one for a while now, No coon tracks on my desert.

PS round up some smelt.
There is already a video on here how to set a cbear so here is the pics. I know what took so long. I have a good memory, it's just real short.:D

This is a plastic pail like you see cat litter in. You just have to come up with them somewhere. They are all the same size. I was just lucky to get all I want from a factory that used them. Then you can paint it up so when you cover it up with a little grass, people can't see them.
You cut two notches out one on each side about 21/2 " wide and the same back in the pail, for the springs to set in. I put a 1"x3/4" wood strip on the bottom for the jaws to rest against, just fasten with a couple small galv brads and bend over. This way when something pushes in the trap does not slide. The steak goes through the top and out the bottom behind the trap so the trap will jump out toward the coon as it springs off the steak. The steak should go through holes about 31/2" behind where the trap sits. When set slide the trap in the slots all the way back and push the springs upward pressing them to the side of the pail. This makes a nice firm set. Flip off the safety catches and your trapping. Smelt in the back of the pail is the bait of choice for me. They can't resist. If your smelt is gone after a catch, you know to keep trapping coon. Now put the chain loop under the pail and the steak through it to hold the trap from being drug off. The steaks I use also have a T on the top so the bucket does not get puled off the steak, this steak has the T broke off. have the pail staked through the chain and the bait in it before you set the trap in. Messing around after it is set can be hazardous to your humiliation.LOL





Thanks for taking the time to post those:coolpics: FC. After all that hard work you better have a couple cold ones:cheers: Thanks again:thumbsup: