Training Wish list for next season


New member
Well, pup's first season is nearly complete. I think we have one more day out if we're lucky. She's done better than I could have asked for, and showed that all the hard work and time has paid off (not to mention her instincts are amazing). Geez, I almost lost it yesterday thinking she was fully disregarding my whistle, yells, and e-collar. Turned out she was in hot pursuit of a crippled bird. Turns out I need to learn a thing or two as well :eek:

anywho, I've been putting my wishlist together for next season. Looking at what we need to work on over the next 6-7 months.

What about you? what's on your list?

mine so far:
- steady to wing and shot
(first though, I think I want her on more clipped wing birds to continue to build that bold flush. she's hesitating every so slightly. Not really a problem, I just like to see her diving in hard. :thumbsup: (she was able to nab two hens yesterday - granted they were penned birds, but the rest flew really strong)

- full delivery to hand
she wanted to keep those first couple birds yesterday to herself, and dropped them a couple feet away, but as she got on more and more, she brought them right up to me like a champ

- better "back" signal from a distance
she comes up a bit short sometimes in our retrieve training. just need to put in the time on this one. I know she'll get it. Along with this would be crossing obstacles like varied terrain, or a creek for example.

- blind retrieves
we've got hunt dead down ("find it"), but a solid blind retrieve would be outstanding. havent' had any of those situations just yet, but I'm sure they'll come

I'm sure there are more fine tunings and what not to come, but those are the big ones I can think of for now
birds, birds and more birds

1. continue to reinforce "basic" commands heel, here and whoa
2. solidify backing situations
3. staunch up steady to shot
4. work on range/cooperation
5. fine tune delivery
birds, birds and more birds

1. continue to reinforce "basic" commands heel, here and whoa
2. solidify backing situations
3. staunch up steady to shot
4. work on range/cooperation
5. fine tune delivery

Looks like a good list. Starting off right with birds, birds, birds... never have too many of those
My dog is moving up from running puppy stakes at field trials to running against the big dogs. Consequently, he's got to learn honoring, as the "big dogs" run in braces. I also want to get him so he handles better on blind retrieves, or if he's in the wrong area - "backs" and "overs", etc.
I'd love to participate in a puppy stakes trial. Just not sure if we're ready for it. I am hoping to try out my/our first Hunt Test sometime this year though.
If you get to the point where she's pretty reliable on the steadiness and delivers to hand most of the time, I'd say just go for it. The puppy stakes are pretty relaxed, and everyone expects to see the puppies make "puppy mistakes". One nice thing about it is that since you're not running at the same time as another dog, if your dog does something ridiculous, you don't mess anyone else up. Also, as I've come to learn, there are a lot of things that go wrong for even experienced trainers and handlers at trials, so it's nothing to be embarrassed about. I remember last spring watching a professional trainer, a guy who's won the national open, have one of his dogs who couldn't stay steady. She broke on a flush, ran up the course, flushed 3 more birds that had been planted ahead and then ran a good half mile off the course, chasing birds before he could finally track her down. If that can happen to a guy like that and nobody thinks twice about it, nothing that your dog could possibly do in a puppy stake would move the needle.

Now your wrong about that Matt, not everyone expects to see there pup make mistakes.:D yeah you need to get her steady for that. And some years there is easier going as the competition is not that tough. Other years there is dam nice almost two year olds running that are very talented dogs. Dogs that can run all age, and even some that do run both. I ran both all age and pup steaks with mine. River ran both her last go and she made the third in the all age so I scratched her in the puppy. It can get very competitive depending on the year. You will not want to waste your money on junior hunter. You should be able to go right to senior at least. She won't have to be steady for that. But if you work on that this summer, then you can enter her in some stakes this fall.
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FC, that was kind of my plan (skip JH), but I've never even been to a hunt test. I figured using JH as an introduction might help. but, if it's a waste, it's a waste I suppose. Not sure if we'll get her steady or not. would like to. working on consistent delivery for now without stimulation. Not sure I'd have any luck with either a trial or test yet since I'm so reliant on the collar. will be mapping out our training plan in the coming week or so.

thanks all! I appreciate the advice