Training my new pup.


Hey everyone, So March 6th I picked up my new pup George. The kids named him. He is great, house trained in a week. A natural in the kennel from the beginning and learns basic commands (when he wants to) really fast. The only problems with training which to me is the most important is the Come command. He is fetching to hand perfectly at 6 months and and I can control him in the fields with whoaa. But he will only come to me on command when I have treats. My question is should I use an ecollar? He is a golden retriever and a few people have said that I should not use an ecollar on a golden. What do you all think?
What a cute puppy! I raise goldens and I use e-collars on all of them! Just remember the collar is not a trainer it only reinforces what you have taught the dog. If it doesn't know the command or understand what it should do, stimulation will only confuse the dog. Sit down with a local trainer and pick his brain, it is the best thing you can do to learn.
Goldenboy Thanks for the info. I have been watching all the videos from Garmin on how to introduce the E-Collar and I started the process on Saturday and the results have been dang near perfect. George doesn't seem uncomfortable at all and he is responding to commands instantly. I would say that he seems more enthusiastic since using the collar like he is focused more on getting the pheasant wing back to me or coming to heel. Also I have yet to go above a 1 stimulation level which I had to show my kids would not hurt him.
That pic melts my heart. I have a 15 yo golden and never used an ecollar on him. At the time I couldn't afford one anyway. Compared to my labs he is a real softy though. I only ever had to think angry thoughts and he could read them, seriously, he was very attuned to my emotions. Your pup is very young and will learn quickly, some things faster than others. I just lost my 14.5 year old yellow and my wife wants another Golden because they are so sweet and I like hunting behind them myself!

I forgot to ask Eddie, what kennel produced that handsome pup?