Trade Access to Iowa Pheasant Hunting


New member
My family has 2000+ acres of great pheasant hunting property (grain fields with waterways, creeks, fencerows, bushy draws etc.) in western/northwest Iowa. 1.5 hrs from S.D. border. Will trade access to property for deer hunting land in Indy. I am moving to Indy in June and would like to find a place to go bowhunting.
Where abouts in Indy? My nephew owns two farms in the Nobelesville area. He is just starting to pheasant hunt. I am a hard core pheasant hunter. I might be able to hook you up. Check your private messesages.
Well mooresville is about 2 1/2 hrs south of me, but if you get the itch next winter to come up for the weekend I'll take you out pheasant hunting. If you feel like making the drive up.

I'm down in S. Indiana. I was wondering if you had any success with pheasant hunting in the N. Indiana. I have a daughter and son in law that live just S. of Auburn. I hear there are a few birds up there!
Any suggestions if I go up to NE Indiana to hunt next fall?
I live in the town of Remington and this year which was a better then average I ended up with 18 wild birds. A buddy and I spent a week end your way at 2 hunt clubs south of you and had a great time. I usually hunt once a year around Auburn with a buddy that has 100 acres and spring turkey hunt up there.

What were the names of the hunt clubs you hunted down this way?

We have a small operation called "Cane Creek Hunting Presever & Quail Farm"
Otwell. Run by a couple brothers Don & Jim Whitehead. Very nice guys!
Go there a couple times a year to get some dog work in......

Did you hunt over by Auburn this year?
Any luck over that way??

Went to 1 north and west of you the 1st day called Royal Flush in Rosedale, IN spent the nite in Bedford Then went to Sugar Creek the next day back to Bedford for the nite, then to Lost River Game farm. Sugar Creek is east of Mitchel, IN and Lost River is just south of Orleans. Had a great time at all 3 and I think I will be planning the same trip next year. Plan on hitting Royal Flush in March of this year. Just came out of knee replacement last week and I'm waiting for it to heal.