Took The Dog Out For Some Early Hunting


New member
I took the girl out for a little early season refresher. She did good, I usually dont believe in going to a bird ranch and paying to hunt but couldnt wait two more weeks and wanted to get the dog out. I want to put the pic on here but the upload keeps failing. How do you put the pics on here so they show as part of the message and not an attachment?
I use photobucket for hosting my photos. I just copy the URL (link) that is generated by photobucket and paste in the posting box. It's all set up by photobucket so you don't have to insert the "IMG" before/after the link. Just copy and paste.

otherwise you should be able to just copy and paste your link by clicking on the "insert Image" icon at the top of the box where you create your post and paste your link (URL) there.

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