Thursday Afternoon Hunt


Well-known member
I took a 1/2 day off from work and hunted for a couple hours in the afternoon. The weather cooperated and the rain stopped by late morning. The dogs had the first find quickly on the edge of the woods that produced a hen. Shortly after that came their second find. This time a big rooster cackled out of the grass and I missed an easy shot. We kept moving and found a few more hens and then finally the dogs work some scent through the woods and grass before pinning the bird. I didn't miss this rooster. We found a few more hens and then called it a day. It was good to be out again.

Nittany with retrieve:

The bird:

The dogs:

Blitz is on the left and his face is really turning gray. He's 4 years younger than Nittany.
That's a fine Thursday hunt for sure! :cheers:

Don't let it bother you Blitz, I've got a lot of gray too!:)
Great job. One of these days I'll post some pics. All I have with me is my phone and it takes so-so pics.