This weekend


New member
In interest of seeing more birds and less hunters I plan to take the drive out to the Saint Leo/Canby area to try my luck. I've never hunted here before and was just wondering if anyone has hunted around here and if so any spots I should try or shouldn't try.

In interest of seeing more birds and less hunters I plan to take the drive out to the Saint Leo/Canby area to try my luck. I've never hunted here before and was just wondering if anyone has hunted around here and if so any spots I should try or shouldn't try.


I'm originally from Canby and still go over and hunt the area a few times a year. All private land mainly west and southwest of Canby. The past 2-3 years have been pretty tough in that area. We've seen fewer birds this year than we have in a long time. I recently was talking to a guy that lives in Canby and does quite a bit of hunting. He has also struggled this year and said he probably averages 1 bird for every two times out.

I was planning to meet a member from this site in that area on Friday but not sure where to go or if I will go. If you head out in that direction I hope you have better luck than I have. Let us know.