This weekend

Madison COunty

New member
Is anyone planning on hunting this weekend after all of the snow? I think that I will go out tomorrow or Saturday.

Went out last Saturday with 3 other guys and 5 dogs. Saw maybe 10 hens and 2 roosters. Birds are there but sitting MUCH tighter now. Good luck everyone!:thumbsup:
I went out yesterday and didn't see a thing. Went out today and saw three hens that the dog kicked out of the cattails. They weren't together but rather spread out by 30 yards or so. Had they been roosters they would've been in the bag.

Also been scouting some areas for muzzleloader, but man it's tough walking just about everywhere. Walk for about 2 hours and it feels like you've walked all day.
I checked one of my cattail fields midday Friday and 20 minutes in decided the walk wasn't worth it. Drifts were waist deep, easy.

The birds will get a reprieve from me until likely Wednesday.

Going to try hunting some public tomorrow where I have had really good luck before. I hope that the snow is not to bad so my GSP Gunner can go with me. I will report after the hunt.