This really sucks.


New member
I have been through this once myself and I am sure several of you have too.

Just got off the phone with one of my hunting buds.
His young (3 yr old ) lab, Daisy, jumped the back fence out of his yard and was hit and killed last night.
He was doing a major renovation to his house and usually the dog would either be with him at work or safely stored.

On one the last nights before reno was completed, his wife and him decided to get a nice hotel room.

His other old dog was in the dog run ( the young one and old one, could not be kenneled together).
The young one was in the back yard with a 5 foot fence and somehow got out.

Just tragic.
All of the hard work and training, and the dog was just coming into its own.

Breaks my heart.
Hate to hear about these things happening........
Sorry to hear about that, breaks a guys heart
My condolence goes out to you and your hunting buddy. That is a great photo, showing man’s best friend at his finest.
Sorry to hear about your buddies dog, i myself have never experienced a dog of mine getting hit but i watched tbears great yellow lab get hit when she 3yrs old and she didn't make it either so i can only imagine what he is going through!