The wave; country style


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Pictures on Site - Video below.

I was born and raised about 30 minutes north of Boston, Massachusetts. I am a native New Englander, and proud of it. We live a fast, competitive and intense lifestyle in the Northeast. Once one earns their driver's license, emotions become amplified. People treat their commute as a race. If you're dissatisfied with the speed in the left lane, you flash your headlights at the driver in front of you. If that car doesn't move, you tailgate them. If the tailgate proves to be ineffective, you bolt across multiple lanes, only to cut back to the left lane in order to get ahead of the original driver. As you bolt by the person lollygagging in the left lane, you raise your middle finger in order to demonstrate your anger. The gesture usually results in a continued confrontation of flipping each other off for miles down the road.

When we moved to Colorado just over 8 years ago, the pace of play slowed. When I started hunting, things really changed. As I drive east, people wave at you. It is a subtle move with the left hand, but noticeable. At first, I was perplexed by the gesture. Did the person misidentify me as a friend? Do I wave back even though they have the wrong guy? It took a few trips to realize that these are people just being kind. I am not certain where the geographical line is in the State, but when I cross it, things change. I have adopted the motion, and now wave at every truck that passes me. Waving at another person I don't know makes me feel good, so I will continue doing it.

That story is too funny... My wife is from Rhode Island and extremely East Coast plus as a Hollywood agent for ten years so she only knows one speed.

A few years ago we though about uprooting and moving to Western KS(somewhere she had never been). I told her that she ought to go visit before just moving. Well we did. She looked around in wonder on how anybody could possibly live in these places. I said simply it is a great way of life with hard work and family values.

We stopped at the Goodland Wendy's as it was the only place to eat on a Sunday. The service was typical Eastern plains with a laid back attitude(slower than molasses). She about burst a vein when it took forever to get fast food... She wanted to say something but I poked her and said to keep her to keep her thoughts to herself.

She looked at me and asked, "Are you sure you want to release me upon these people? I would think after a little while they may look to burn me in the town square."
Years later when we purchased our house there she still has a tough time with the "wave". It is second nature to me and I do it almost unconsciously.

Now my wife would like to live there but then my worlds may collide:).

Nice video as always......
That story is too funny... My wife is from Rhode Island and extremely East Coast plus as a Hollywood agent for ten years so she only knows one speed.

A few years ago we though about uprooting and moving to Western KS(somewhere she had never been). I told her that she ought to go visit before just moving. Well we did. She looked around in wonder on how anybody could possibly live in these places. I said simply it is a great way of life with hard work and family values.

We stopped at the Goodland Wendy's as it was the only place to eat on a Sunday. The service was typical Eastern plains with a laid back attitude(slower than molasses). She about burst a vein when it took forever to get fast food... She wanted to say something but I poked her and said to keep her to keep her thoughts to herself.

She looked at me and asked, "Are you sure you want to release me upon these people? I would think after a little while they may look to burn me in the town square."
Years later when we purchased our house there she still has a tough time with the "wave". It is second nature to me and I do it almost unconsciously.

Now my wife would like to live there but then my worlds may collide:).

Nice video as always......

Great story thank you for sharing. I am glad your east cost wife appreciates the country life as I do. My trips out east are good for my soul.
I often introduce myself as a country boy from Kansas, born and raised in Wichita, considered a BIG city for most people in Kansas, I never realized I did the old back road wave until my City wife started asking "do you know them" and pointed out you always wave at people when we are out on the "country" Ive been blessed to live all over the US and the world but there is NO place like the Midwest! True family values, integrity and just plain old hard working good people, Colorado was a compromise for my wife and I she gets her "big city" life and I get to escape to the mountains and eastern plains as much as possible.
I often introduce myself as a country boy from Kansas, born and raised in Wichita, considered a BIG city for most people in Kansas, I never realized I did the old back road wave until my City wife started asking "do you know them" and pointed out you always wave at people when we are out on the "country" Ive been blessed to live all over the US and the world but there is NO place like the Midwest! True family values, integrity and just plain old hard working good people, Colorado was a compromise for my wife and I she gets her "big city" life and I get to escape to the mountains and eastern plains as much as possible.

I have to agree with your comments about the Midwest. Colorado is a great compromise.