I hunt alone probably 75% of the time, with 1 or 2 friends the other 24.9% and I do (or did until COVID got me) 1 large group hunt per year and as much as I love hunting solo, I love the occasional group hunt just as much. For one thing, it feels a lot more traditional and old-school Kansas to me. I also like how you end up hunting with a people who run the gambit of the hunting spectrum, from very dedicated hunters to teenage kids out for a weekend with their Dads. I love hunting with multiple generations of hunters from the same family, I love being on family ground, or hearing people tell me the stories of how their families came to live in Kansas, especially western Kansas. Something about it is just so social, and clannish and fun.
Also, I honestly think big group marches are more effective in western Kansas. I know I've hunted some row crop behind good dogs and just run birds around in circles. There's nothing quite like walking stubble and realizing just how many birds are in a 1/4 section that just would have given you the slip if they could.