The movie Act of Valor


Well-known member
Saw this movie Fiday. I can describe it in one word, WOW !!

Real life Seals were the stars of the movie, no Seal wanna be actors involved. It sure makes me sleep better that we have Special OPs forces such as the Seals ready to act at a moments notice to thwart terrorists attempts to inflict another 9/11 like catastrophe against Americans.

Worth a see anyway.:thumbsup:
I'm gonna have to break with my miserly tradition & go to the movies, I reckon. Thanks for the report.
I might add if your looking for this to be an academy award type movie you'll be disappointed. I don't think that it was meant to be. Also take into account that these guys are not professional actors, but then again professional actors would not be able to portray seals the way this movie intended them to be. It's gives us an intimate look into how they work and all of the technology at their disposal. More than anything it gives us a glimpse as to the bond these guys have for each other and their willingness to pay the ultimate price if need be.