the kansas upland forecast is out from kdwp

tag a deer?

Nope, he got a case of buck fever and missed a 6 point a couple of times (partly my fault for forgetting the shooting sticks and making him shoot offhand), but he did manage to scratch his first dove out of the air with his little single shot 20 gauge!
It was a great hunt, he hunted hard in the cold and the heat from dark to dark and never complained once, couldn't be more proud. On the way home he asked when we were heading back for the pheasant hunt.

Ok so with the report out all we have to do is get ready i don't know if anyone is counting or anything but 8 saturdays from now we will be participating in the greatest time of the year. I know my family and i are ready as you can be. Birds or no birds it will be fun, but i know we will find some birds.
Surprisingly enough have seen a rooster pheasant twice fly over I-35 this year. Once just literally 3 miles south of emporia and once down by south haven about 5 miles north of the oklahoma stateline. Havent seen too many that far east before, even in 30 years of hunting. I doubt it will be anything to hunt but it is still nice to see em. I happen to travel thousands of miles a month in ks for work and see quite a bit of ground.