The House


New member
House passed a bill to stop the Government from being paid until they pass a budget. ABOUT DAMN TIME. :)
They'll get back pay once they get their s#$@t together though. They have the same law here, what a joke. Its a step in the right direction at least though but lets face it, how many of them actually need that paycheck? They aren't like the working man scaping by week to week.
They'll get back pay once they get their s#$@t together though. They have the same law here, what a joke. Its a step in the right direction at least though but lets face it, how many of them actually need that paycheck? They aren't like the working man scaping by week to week.

You maybe right. The point is that the Senate has the ball and if they fail, the people will see who is bsing on the hill. Force them to be accountable.:)
Does this violate the Constitution???? Amendment 27 ?? Any Lawyers want to step up????
The fact is even the far left know we can't tax our way out of debt, there has to be cuts made in spending. I don't want grandmas medicare cut but maybe a way to eliminate just some of the fraud going on? As much as I don't like it much of the farm bill is on the chopping block (not the foodstamp oart though). Of coarse welfare is neccessary in our country but its being abused, of coarse un employment is also but again the abuse. Pass it and see what happens I guess. Remember that one from ol' dirty Diane?:D:cheers: