The Hamburger Helper Story


New member
I was recently asked to relate a story about a young man's deer hunt and the follow up to the hunt.

Here is a link to the story: Hamburger Helper Story

As they started grinding the venison into burger, George asked, ?Would this burger be good in Hamburger Helper?? Bruce assured him it would be indeed! George replied, ?That?s great! We've been eating lots of Hamburger Helper over the last few months, but we haven?t had any meat to put in it!?

Mentoring kids in the outdoors can help in ways you might not have considered.

Become an outdoor mentor today and help us get more kids outdoors!

Mike Christensen
Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors, Inc.
Like to read stories where a hunter is looked at for the positive aspects of harvesting an animal. Not only is this youngs mans life Turing around with better grades in school he was able to put food on the table for his family at a very young age. very good story glad I read it.
Great story, thanks for sharing. The hunting shows, on TV could learn something from this, less horns more recipes/use of the meat.
Really, really great. Thanks for sharing and the great work you are part of PassItOn.:10sign:
Thanks for all of the comments!

We've got some more stories from our adventures with the kids.

Michael Pearce, outdoor writer for the Wichita Eagle, has published several articles over the years and is now mentoring a young man himself. Here is a link to some of his articles

We also have a nice story about one of our volunteers, Ol' Grizz.

And here is a link to a video from our first youth turkey hunt, back in '03. It was really special!

I would encourage everyone on this board to step up and mentor a kid, take 'em hunting and fishing!

Mike Christensen
Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors, Inc.