That's a wrap


Active member
And like that, the 2016-17 season ends.

We shot three roosters, missed a fourth, and flushed five quail today. Even with it being 56 degrees, we banged up six other hens with all but one of the birds flushing from just behind us. We worked slow, lots of stopping and standing, but these were wily veteran birds.

All in all, it was a fun season. We saw birds in both public and private land, with more quail found than in recent memory. My buddy's year and a half old puppy was a machine, a great mix of both his mom and dad. The proverbial light went on and the dog just wants to hunt.

Let the countdown for 17-18 begin.
Finished season with great friends yesterday and today. Yesterday was mostly pheasants, while today was quail time(8 covies) in 5 hours of relaxed hunting. We left all the old veteran bird finders in the kennel and brought out the up and comers. A great way to end Kansas now off to Oklahoma!