Thanksgiving Hunt and Another First for the Pup


New member
This morning found my brother, cousin, myself and the pup on a Thanksgiving morning duck hunt. We were hunting a private pond with a blind that has been good in the past and we were hoping for some good action. Turns out the birds just werent flying in this area today and we only ended up with two birds. The first was a ringneck drake that we dumped right in front of the blind and Sprig went out and made a good retrieve. After that we didnt see another bird for awhile and we decided to pack it up. Right after we get the decoys picked up my brother spots a few groups of geese coming towards the blind. We then had a small group of about 12 start to come into the pond right over us and we were able to get one down. The bird hit hard and I knew it was dead so I decided to send the pup. He had never retrieved a goose and I wasnt sure how he'd handle a bird the same size as him haha Well he made me proud, swam right up to it, grabbed it and brought it back for his first goose! I was pumped and that made my morning. Here's a few pics

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Tomorrow will find Sprig and I after chukar at the game preserve!
awesome. I am picking up my new springer pup "buddy" tomorrow morning....looking forward to the same proud papa feelings that you are getting with your dog:cheers: keep it up!!!!