Thanks for a great hunting season.


New member
Men; January 31st and the end of pheasant and quail season sure came fast this year. I wanted to post and thank all of you for making this the best season my son & I have ever had hunting. Your adivce and stories sure helped. I believe I shot more quail this year than I have ever before and I know I saw more coveys than ever before. Somedays the quail hunting looked like Southeast Kansas in the 1960's & 70's when my dad use to take me hunting. As far as pheasants go, this was my most successful season ever.

Today my son and I went out after school for one final hunt. In the first little patch we got two quail on a covey rise & in our second field my son got the final bird of the season another quail.

The best news was that we saw 12 rooster and 2 hens as we where driving to our hunting spots & home, so there are brids ready to go for next year.
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I'm really saddened that this is the end of the year already. These stories make it worthwhile though. I'm glad I found this forum, and many, many people to share stories with for years to come.

Cheers! :cheers:
I agree about the quail hunting here in Southcentral Kansas. We got into a lot of quail this year, most on private ground, but we did get into some coveys on public ground as well. There was quite a few days when we'd push 4 or 5 coveys while pheasant hunting. In fact, this past Sunday around Hutchinson we got into 5 coveys in a half day of hunting while shooting 4 roosters to go along with them.